Authors Note

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I know, I know, I've been neglecting this story and all of my other one's and that's because I've kinda gotten bored of them, but doesn't mean that I'm not going to finish them or anything. I've just been working on other stuff and watching new things 'cause I'm tired of the same old same old things.

One of the things that I've been watching on Netflix is that new series Outer Banks, and can I just say I am a simp for JJ 'cause he's so reckless and it's cute! Anyway, since I've been watching that, it's kind of made me want to write a fan-fiction on JJ, or maybe even Pope? I'm leaning more towards JJ though. Actually, I might just write one about all three of the boys somehow.

Let me know what you guys think I should do.


Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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