Chapter 12: Les Roses Blanches

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Author's Note:

Hello, welcome back!

This chapter is a continuation of chapter 8: In My Life, chapter 9: Angel of Music & chapter 10: Gift from Venus. I do recommend reading the chapters again if you don't remember what happened because if you don't, you won't understand what is happening in this one.

This chapter is a little bit of a mess, and we do have some new characters popping in. I hope you all are ready for a new swing in this story. I trust you will enjoy and connect with all the feelings that are being poured into these pages like a waterfall.

By the way, I don't own the video.

Please remember to vote, comment, and add it to your reading list!!

~Vive La France~

༺༻ 1825: Winter. Enjolras in the Lamarque House. ༺༻

Enjolras' P.O.V

Before I could realize anything, I was in the grand saloon of the Lamarque family. Unable to breathe, my lungs had turned into stone and I looked paler than usual. Despite that, no one noticed my shook and worry; both families were talking brightly...Except for Nicolas, who appeared to be in the same position.

There was something I didn't know. It was, sort of, related to me in some way.

End of P.O.V


That morning, the raven-haired boy had rushed into his sister's room only to find it empty. He had, immediately, told his parents and the alarm grew in the house. No, Marie had not told Jean and her son what was going to happen... Let's just say that both men weren't very happy at all when they came to know what was the substance of the cause. They made a plan, made to fool the family and keep them out of questions.

This is how it was dictated:

1. Without an excuse, the boys' family would join them.

2. They would try to keep Nicolette out of topic and it didn't work they shall say that she was sick.

3. Once the visitors leave they must find the girl.

Although, Nicolas was already angry about the situation, when he saw whose family it was he grew madder. Until it turned in shock and realize how wrong this was, his friend... His leader? No. This couldn't even happen. Nicolette hated him... did she? Of course, she did and so did he.

Nicolas was now seated in front of Enjolras in the grand salon. The blonde had been fixed ever since he had stepped into the house. Especially since for Enjolras, the world was a mess and everything was spinning. If the leader was always focused and stern, now he looked distant and bothered. That's when Nicolas got to know that the leader knew more than everyone else...

Enjolras' P.O.V

"So, you know my son?" my father questioned Nicolas, who was deep in thoughts and turned back to reply. "Yes Monsieur, we study together and-"

"-Isn't that marvelous," my mother grinned widely, she wasn't interested, she only cared about Nicolette. "How about your sister? I heard she loves studying too and she has big fame around Europe."

Instantly everyone was growing anxious. Nicolas's parents stood up to excuse themselves, probably to talk about what to do. But, they left Nicolas with the snake... who had him captive. The boy only had one worry: They couldn't find out that Nicolette was gone.

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