Chapter 8: In My Life

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Author's Note:

This new chapter takes a whole new turn, be ready for a long episode ahead. Sorry for not updating any sooner. By the way, I don't own the video.

Please remember to vote, comment, and add it to your reading list!!

~Vive La France~

༺༻ Two Year Later, 1825: Winter. ༺༻

It was wintertime, and the city of Paris was miserable. Freezing weather that was able to kill any living thing.

Éponine was lucky, she was staying at the Lamarque household. Her brother was living with Courfeyrac and Nicolette was sending money to Feuilly, Lesgle, and Bahorel, so they wouldn't have to worry throughout the season.


Our chapter starts in Nicolette Francine Lamarque's room. A 17-year-old young lady, mistress of no one, second leader of Les Amis, the people's Patria, and the beauty of Paris. Who had also recently gained the name of

"Angel of Music" for her talented voice.

Her charm was now beyond imagination. Honey skin, that had once held a blue, was now flawless and nearly perfect. Her long coffee-colored waves were most of the time lose free like the wind. Out of all her features, there was one... one that was the signature of her majesty, the cherry on top the cake, her eyes. Those emerald hearts that over the years had taken the role of thieves, as Grantaire had once told her. Either of that, nothing had changed that much, she still met the boys and studied.

Whereas, the only little chance was that not only did almost everyone in Paris know her, but the court had also heard of her. She had won a power greater than any king could have, she was democratic, convincing, and able to steal anyone's soul with just one look.

That brings us to the next topic. Yes, the young woman had many suitors who had asked for her hand but she had refused them. Something very wrong for a woman to do so, but she had no interest in men, and had no desire to be owned.

She was fulfilling her promise. The promise she had made to that person, who she had shared something that could have been beautiful. It seemed so far away from now, two years had passed and neither of them had had a private encounter since then. They did see each other and even shared some words, but it was all business. It wasn't like the past, anything but friendly, just cold and formal. She was back to the strong Patria, the one and only. No feelings were left; she was back to normal or that's what she told herself.

Nevertheless, the group had noticed the change between both leaders. They didn't question it, but they knew what had happened.


Back to the present.

Nicolette found herself sitting by the fireplace in her bedroom, in her home clothes, and reading one of the many 'politic' books that she owned. Éponine, sitting by her side, playing with the dolls that Nicolette had gifted her with.

Éponine was unrecognizable, a grown girl looking like a fine lady. With perfect clothes, clean image, and well-fed. The kid had been staying away from her actual parents, who couldn't care less of her. Notwithstanding that she still did their business behind Nicolette's back. She looked up at the figure of the reading girl and beamed sadly. She was young, but she had noticed the change in her and only wanted to ask her why.

"Why aren't you and Enjolras friends?"

Nicolette stopped reading, closing the book, and placing it on her lap. Slowly glancing at the silhouette of the 10-year-old. Her heart had stopped beating and her face fell, she didn't enjoy talking about the blonde. It wasn't because she hated him but because she dreaded remembering. "We are friends."

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