Chapter 17

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A/N: I will let you guys be the judge of Mali's character.

Character review has been updated. It has the characters from West Coven. Check it out! 

This chapter required a lot of emotions to write so, comment below what you feel after reading this chapter.

I got up with energy pumping my veins, but I was hesitant to move. What if the answers Mali had was not what I wanted to hear? Will living a lie be better than knowing the truth?

I tried to take a step forward, but then I just stood where I was.

"What are you waiting for, Draco?" Lyra asked in a soft voice.

"I... I don't know," I whispered back.

There was a chuckle and then she stood next to me. "I don't know what has happened between you and Mali and I am in no position to say that I understand you. But if you think talking to her will help you, then go and talk. No matter how difficult the conversation will be."

My shoulders slumped. "It's just that... I used to trust her so much. Now, I am not sure."

Lyra sighed. "There was a time I thought my brother betrayed me. Turned out, he was protecting me all the while, sacrificing nearly everything in his life. I won't judge Mali for doing something. Just talk to her. For all you know, she might have just given you some illusions to bring you out of the death of Harriet and Tressa."

I nodded. "I guess I will go then."

She said, "Do that. Don't regret not talking about this to her when you had the chance."

She raised her hand as if she wanted to pat me, but dropped it. She turned and rose an eyebrow at Zyon to which the other stood up and they walked away. Why was Zyon hanging out with Lyra too much? But then again, I would not blame him. She had that nurturing instinct that would make anyone feel comfortable with her. Not to mention, she had been an Alpha and that said she knew how to deal with people.

I played with a small stone as I was walked towards Riley's office. The stone rolled off somewhere when the building came in my line of sight. I sighed. Was I actually going to do this?

But the thought of Harriet not being my mate swirled in my mind. I had to know this.

I stood in front of the door and looked into the camera. A few seconds later, the door opened and Sorrel stood there, chewing her lips.

"Hey, Draco," she said. "Finally out of the hospital, I see."

"Yeah," I drawled. "You never came to see me, though."

She blew a strand of blonde hair from her face. "You just passed out. You just have overdramatic friends. You need someone who grounds you to reality. Like me."

I blinked at her. "You?"

She nodded seriously. "Yep. Me."

I shook my head. "I don't have any energy to contradict that."

She grinned. "Mali is in Riley's office. She is waiting for you."

I gulped. "Is this a good time?"

Sorrel stared at me for a while before she dragged me to the sofa in the lobby. She then made me sit and took a seat herself.

"I don't know, Draco," she said. "How to say this to you, but Mali is my Omicron's mate. She finally accepted him and they are marked."

I nodded. "I already know this."

"You don't," she said vehemently. "Did you know? When Riley first began our Coven, he was touring the other covens to see how it worked. His friends from his maternal coven helped him. That time, he once visited Summer Coven. He met Mali there."

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