Chapter 3.1

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A/N: Never expected to write this. But it happened. So... tell me what you think! 

Mali Bidaya bit into her lips. Today her Omicron's son, Dave was coming. Everything had to be perfect. The female Omicron, Boonsri was a harsh female who loved her son more than anything. And Mali being the Epsilon's daughter did not help.

"Mali!" Boonsri shouted. "Come here at once!"

Giving her best friend the way to the stove, Mali rushed upstairs. 

Her second best friend, Wirat came running towards her. "Did you see Lawan?"

She nodded. "I left her at the stove. She is sorting beef."

Leaving him behind, she finally made it to the Omicron office. "You called me, Omicron Boonsri?"

That female glared at her, clutching the curtain. "I said violet. Violet, Mali. Why is it pink?"

Mali wanted to say that the colour was lilac and it was due to the dull lighting of the office that Boonsri installed it appeared pink. But she held her tongue. She could talk against anything to Boonsri, but everything fell deaf on her ears regarding her son.

"I-I am sorry, Omicron," Mali whispered, looking down.

"Sorry?" Boonsri yelled. "You think sorry will make my son like this colour miraculously?"

"No, Omicron," Mali said.

With one pull, Boonsri ripped the curtains and threw them on her. "Change it now!"

Wincing, Mali picked up the curtain and tried to walk out.

"Wait!" Boonsri said. Closing her eyes, Mali turned. The Omicron had a decanter in her hand. "Whiskey? My son drinks only rum. Spiced rum from Evergreen. Get that."

Nodding, Mali walked out. Chalot, Lawan's elder brother passed the room. "Mali, is everything okay?"

She nodded and gave him a thin smile. "I am fine. Can... can you ask someone to get spiced rum from Evergreen for the Omicron?"

His light brown eyes crossed as he understood. "Dave?"

She nodded again. "Yes."

"I will send someone to get it," he said and took his phone as he walked away.

Mali sighed. This Omicron was coming with his chosen bride. Why were they nearly cleaning the entire coven?

Glaring at the curtain, Mali dragged herself to the nearest shop to buy the blasted violet ones.


It was about nine at night when they received the news that Dave was coming. Mali looked at her dress and closed her eyes. She hated the one she wore. It was a black dress that dipped low and showed her cleavage. Not to mention, it exposed her legs right from her upper thighs. Had she not known any better, she would think she was a slave. 

Next to her, Lawan was no better. She was dressed in a similar dress, but hers was bright orange. Lawan was vigorously putting on the make-up with hatred.

"I hate this!" Lawan said, her eyes sharp. "I hate dressing like this for Dave of all people."

Mali bit her lips and gently applied the lip gloss. For a girl who loved to get pretty, she hated these make-up items. She wanted to throw them all out. Only if her half-brother was here.

Like the Omicron pair knew that Rune would be hard, they sent him away. Had he been here, he would have never allowed them both to get dressed like this.

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