Chapter 30.1

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A/N: Thank you for waiting for so long! I really had a tough time. I will try to finish Taurus as soon as possible!

I am planning to finish Taurus within Taurus... (Yes; I know what I did there) I am aware that I have only 5-6 days left... Do you know what it means? Possible everyday updates for Taurus! 

Yes, you guys are just 5-6 chapters away from the end and my target date is 21-05-2021



He did not know how he reached there, but he was standing before the Kelp Confusion. Not waiting for anyone, he pushed himself further. Each kelp was a prison, holding a person between its branches. Some were free, some held a person.

But the second he entered, a strange feeling covered him. It was the same feeling he felt during that fateful day.

Without thinking twice, he rushed towards the centre. For a moment, he was standing there in his humanoid form and the next; he was a streak of light.

He moved through the kelps that were swaying and changing their position. Yet, he somehow managed to reach the centre. But what he saw was the last thing he expected to see.

Alioth was holding her blade, the tip pointing toward a star who was smirking. That star... how long was it before he saw her?

Eltanin, the daughter of the first lord of Kelp Confusion. Even among the stars, her beauty was well known. She was the kind of star who had it all. Just a frown and her father would have made the universe bend to her will. Her mother would have roused the River of Souls and messed the Three Paths. Simple watering of her eyes, her friends would have made the energy question why they were created.

Her energy was so strong. So fierce. So powerful. So vibrant that he could see nothing else. She cocked her head ever so slightly, with that gentle smile playing on her lips.

A silver gossamer gown gave her an ethereal feel. Her dark hair blended with Space. Her eyes were slightly slanted as she blinked gracefully. A pale white light shrouded her.

His waves skidded to a stop. His Soul-Bound. The most perfect female ever. He wanted to run to her, to kiss her, claim her before everyone, tell them all that she was his, but would she want him too? After all, Thuban said she loved him.

He shrugged. Whatever happens, he was her Soul-Bound. How could she want someone else apart from him?

Before he could move forward, Alioth's voice broke the spell. "Let them go, Eltanin."

Let who go?

It was then Nox saw Saiph being chained by some golden chains, and behind him were two stars he had once seen. Alrakis and Rastaban, if he was right.

What was Elta doing? Even if she had Saiph in the chains, it was understandable. But why Alrakis and Rastaban? Weren't they friends?

Eltanin laughed, and that sound was the greatest piece of music ever composed. "Let them go? You think I am that stupid, Alioth?"

"I never said you were stupid," Alioth sneered. "If you had been, we would have found about you so long ago. I said, let them go!"

Eltanin brandished her sword out. "I have to leave. If I let them go, you will definitely stop me."

"Leave?" Saiph snorted. "Even if I die, I won't let you leave, Eltanin. The crimes you carry are not simple."

Crimes she carried was not simple? What did that even mean?

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