Chapter 35

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A/N: The final chapter... It is quite long.

Anyway, enjoy it while it lasts!


We landed on the ground with a soft thud. I had to get back every part of my memory. Know who the heir was, know how to revive the Kelp Confusion, and get back the Immunes without their help. Alrakis and Rastaban went ahead with Megrez hoping to help them. In fact, Megre said that the Kelps responded better to the two stars than it did to anyone else.

As for Alioth, I asked her to find Nox for me. Not because he was in a dangerous phase, but because of who he was.

The roads of the Summer Coven were deserted. Not even a street vendor stood there to sell ice-creams. The noise from the north side of the capital told me that everyone was there. Why did Taurus sending Dave back cause such a ruckus?

We both shared a look. "What exactly did you do, Taurus?"

He had a smug look on his face. "I sealed his powers and threw him down."

I blinked at him. What else could I do to this Soul-Bound of mine? Who said he was mature? Who said he was cold and ruthless? Bring that person to me. Or was it just to me he showed his childish side to?

"Very great," I said as I walked there.

I had been here once before when Sean challenged Dave. When the ranking members met their mates, there would be a ceremony held in this clearing. I was young when the Omicron and the Theta pair got mated and my mother did not take me here. When Rune found his mate, he refused to have a ceremony.

Taurus nudged me with his shoulder. "What else should I do? Kill him? I bet many harbour more hatred towards him than you and I."

"Sure," I said.

The smell of blood was heavy in the air. It was fresh. And it was Dave's blood. What had happened? Did someone challenge him? Or did everyone in the coven think they had enough and killed him together?

Upon seeing me, the vampires gave us a way. It could have been my golden eyes or my aura. Whatever it was, they stayed away, and that was much better.

Rune stared in the direction opposite from I came from. Mali was trembling in Riley's arms. Belen had a calm face, while Eliana smirked. I glanced at the pile of skin and bones. At the body with a snapped neck and one arm. The place where the other arm should have been there, blood gushed out. That explained where the scent came from.

Only Niran dared to come near us. "Allen challenged."

The outcome was obvious. Would they let this body rot, or would they bury it? Or would they use this as bait to lure Boonsri out? That female was yet to come out?

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He... left," Niran said. "Don't ask me. He just walked away. He was like a killing machine, dude! You should have seen the way he killed Dave!" I could see Dave's body. "Like an emotionless killer. He kept on punching and kicking and suddenly, he ripped an arm off! Then he held Dave by his neck and snapped it-"

"I can see it, Niran," Taurus said flatly. "Don't be excited telling how another person died."

He was about to stick his tongue out, but Rune walked towards us. "We have to elect a new Omicron."

"Allen won, right?" I frowned. "That means he is the next Omicron."

Rune glanced at the Elders. Some had elation on their face and others were frowning so deep that it may cut their face. From the whispers, I could tell that some wanted Allen to be the next Omicron, yet their intentions were not pure. Some did not want him to be the next title bearer, for they felt what Allen had gone through in his life was enough. As much as being an Omicron gave power, it also meant a lot of work and pressure. Few, very few felt that if they trained Allen, he could be the best Omicron.

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