Chapter 8

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Mal, Jay, Carlos, and Evie reach Gold's shop a little past noon. 

"Gold? We've come to talk," Mal calls out.

"Yes I know dearie, no need to announce yourselves."

"You know who we are, don't you?" Mal asks.

"That isn't the question on your mind, is it dearie?"

"Just answer the question!" 

"Fine, but first, why don't you all sit and have some tea." Gold waves his hand and his cases disappear and a tea table with five chairs, replaces it. Cautiously and slowly, the four teenagers sit down and have some tea.

"Weirdest tea party I've every attended," Evie says under her breath.

"I'm offended, Evie." Gold sits down at the table. Evie sips her tea and Carlos eats some cookies.

"What about the book Gold? The book Henry wanted to talk to us about? Do you have it?" Mal asked, annoyance laid on thick in her voice.

"I collect many things, I can hardly keep track of them all." 

Gold keeps evading the questions.

"What do you know about Auradon?"

"There is the right question," Gold smiled.

"Quite playing games, Gold! Just tell us what you know." Jay yelled. 

"Your mother was a very good student," Gold looks at Mal, who stiffens in her seat. 

"She wanted a way to live 'peacefully' well as peacefully as you can when you practice dark magic. I provided."

"You created entire realm for my mother? Why? Were you two married or something?" Mal tried to laugh it off, but Gold looked at her seriously. 

"Were you?"Mal asked nervously.

"Mal, I'm sure they weren't married," Evie assured her friend.

"Did you have a relationship with my mother?" Mal was practically screaming. 

"No need to yell dearie," Gold held his hand up, motioning for them to be quiet. 

"No need to worry about what your mother and I were, what you need to worry about, is that you can't hide your identities forever. No one comes into Storybrooke and no one leaves. The fairies will figure it out soon enough, or Regina. You should get out of here." 

"No, we need to figure it out. Why was Auradon created?" Mal shrieked.

"M, calm down. It's going to be ok." Evie tried her best, but Mal wasn't having it.

"How do you know that?"

"I just do, we'll get through it together," Evie smiled.

"Fine, I'll tell you what happened, meet me at the well in the woods at midnight, tonight." The teenagers stood up and left the shop, not excited for tonight.

Gold waved his hand and his shop returned to normal. Laughing to himself, once he tells Maleficent's daughter everything, she will go mad. Trying to figure all out. He goes to the back of his shop and faces a mirror.

"Now Rumple, you won't get to my daughter, she's stronger than you think. And anyways, you can't get to Auradon, it's protected."

"Maybe I can get to Auradon, after all she broke our deal." Rumple glares at the mirror.

"Harm a hair on her head and I will make sure that you will never cast a spell again," Maleficent shouts.

"Goodbye, dearie. This isn't the last time we will see each other."

"Don't hurt her, Rumple." Rumple casts Maleficent a cruel smile, but doesn't say anything. 

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