Chapter Two

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Henry's POV
After we left Granny's Regina took me to get some ice cream. With Robin and Rolland. "Those kids were very interesting.", my mom said. We got to the ice cream place. We ordered and payed (Robin payed).

  I went to the library to do some research. On the new people in Storybrooke. No one every comes here and if they do they've either been here before or part of the Story Book.

   I went up to the doors and opened them. I saw Belle. "Hey Belle can you take me to the Sorcerer's Mansion please?", I asked her. My moms told me I couldn't go alone. "Sure, Henry.", she said. Her accent is unforgettable.

Belle and I got there and saw Rumplestilskin there. "Rumple? Wha-why are you here?", Belle asked hurt. "Me? Why are you here with my grandson?", Rumple countered. "I asked her to come. But that doesn't explain why you are here.".

   "I never was.", he said then cast a forgetting spell and disappeared in a cloud of red smoke. We couldn't remember the last few minutes. That's normal so we went into the Mansion. We went into the library and I saw that a book had fallen out from one of the shelves.

Belle went to pic it up and saw the title. "Henry? This book's title is United States Of Auradon: the alternative". I went to check it out. Belle was right. "What is Auradon?", I asked. "I have no idea. Let's take it to Emma", Belle suggested. I nodded.

Little did they know the Dark One was standing right outside the door listening and once he heard what he needed he disappeared in a cloud of red smoke.

I grabbed the book and Belle and I ran. We rushed to Emma's house. When we got there mom was unlocking the door. "Emma! We need to talk to you!", Belle said urgently.

"Um...okay. C-come inside.", Emma stuttered. We went inside. I saw Hook sitting there waiting for I guess my mom. "Belle, Henry? What up?", mom asked. "We found something. There's a place called Auradon. Look at this book.", I showed them the book.

The book:

    "Who's the author?", Emma asked

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    "Who's the author?", Emma asked. "That's the part we need to figure out. I'm going to call it Operation Python.", I answered. Emma smiled. "We will all be in in this. Don't tell anyone else.", I told them. All three adults nodded.

   "Operation Python is a go.", I announced smiling.

  We'd been working till 7:30 then Belle had to leave and I had to get to bed. "Night Mom! Hook!", I yelled from my room. "Night Henry!". "Night lad!". I closed my eyes and felt like I was back under the sleeping curse.

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