Chapter One (finally!)

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Mal's POV
I was in my room waiting for something to happen. "Mal? Fairy Godmother has an announcement.", Ben's said. Popping his head threw the cracked door. I nodded and got up and followed him.

We got to the Cafeteria and saw Fairy Godmother there. "Children um I have to say this with all my heart that there are three new Vk's here! Welcome them. Also, they along with a group King Ben chooses will go find a place called Storybrooke.", She announced. Ben smiled and waved as heads turned towards him.

I saw Jay, Carlos, and Evie standing together tensely. I walked over to them. "Hey guys. What's wrong?", I asked as I walked up to them. "Have you seen the new Vk's?", Carlos whispered frightened. I shook my head no. "Well, its been like three months since we saw them.", Jay muttered. "Wait, what! Uma, Harry, and Gil!", I whispered angrily.

We whispered so we weren't disrupting anyone. Evie hadn't spoken. "They had kidnapped Ben last time. What will they do now?," she whispered shocked. I didn't know what to expect from Shrimpy. "I mean Gil is kinda ok. He's not the worst Vk. He's even worse than Carlos!", Jay joked. Carlos flushed. I smirked.

"But, Uma and Harry...", I trailed off catching sight of the Vk's. "They what...?", Carlos said confused. Jay rolled his eyes and said "They are ruthless and cruel!". Ben, Lonnie, Jane, Chad, Audrey, and Doug came up to us. "Guys get packed.", Ben told us. "You're going on the trip.", he told us. "Why are Chad and Audrey coming?", Evie asked.

    "Because even though in the recent past they've treated you wrong they're still my best friends.", Ben replied. I rolled my eyes at my boyfriend. He is too forgiving for his own good. "Let's go pack M. I'm tired of looking at Chad's face.", Evie said. Evie grabbed my hand and pulled me to our room, Jay and Carlos followed us.

When we got to our room we saw Harry and Uma waiting on Evie's and mine beds. Gil was looking around at everything. "What do you want Uma?", I sneered. "Just checking in.", she replied. We finished packing as they left. Harry had to drag Gil out of our room. Classic Gil and Harry.

"Hey girls! It's time to go.", Audrey said poking her head in our room. We nodded and followed her to the car? limo? chopper? plane? I don't know. The transportation.

The transportation was a pirate ship. Yay. "Alright! Bring down the sails! Climb aboard!", Harry yelled his pirate language. We boarded the ship. The anchor was raised and we headed away from the docks.

  After about 5 hours of sailing (one blinding light half way) and 5 hours of Audrey and Chad getting seasick we saw a ship that looked like Harry's dad's the Jolly Rodger. Weird. We sailed into the docks. Harry and Uma dropped the Anchor.

   We heard a woman's voice say "Hook! For the last time! Stop trying to convince Henry to cut off his hand and get a hook like you!". Hook? Who is this woman?

   "Charming!", we heard a voice say. "Snow! Where's Neal?", another said. Charming? Snow? What the Heck? "Maleficent is in confinement.", a woman's voice said. Mom? "Ok Mom.", a boy's voice said.

   This is a very weird place. We got off the boat and stepped onto the docks and headed towards the voices. We saw 6 people. One had a hook. Another had a sword. There was a boy. There was a woman with a bow and arrows. A woman with a gun? And a woman with nothing but a bit of magic on her.

   "Um...hi I'm Ben. Belle and Beast's son.", Ben said catching their attention. "Belle and Rumplestiltskin had a kid?", the man with a sword asked. "Not...that I know of.", the gun woman said. "How about you come with us Granny's and we talk about who you are there.", the Bow and Arrows woman said. We all nodded.

   "By the way Snow, Charming we have to go to the council meeting today.", the magic woman told them. This place is so confusing. At least the people are.

   We walked to Granny's following the hook guy. "Alright kids! Follow me.", he said. Apparently Granny's is a restaurant. Well and Bed'n Breakfast. "Who's paying?", Jane asked nervously. "Just watch and learn.", Chad said. He went up to a girl with red in her hair. "Hey babe. Maybe if you can give us free food then we can get together sometime, hang?", Chad told her using the same ones he used on Evie, just altered a bit.

"Let me guess. Show-off and selfish but, doesn't know it. I think I'll pass and Regina is paying for you guys.", she told Chad. I smirked. "Guys come here.", the boy called. "I'm Emma. This is my son Henry", the gun woman said pointing to the boy. Emma and Henry. "I'm Snow White , Emma's mom, and this is my husband Charming. By the way just calm me Mary Margaret. Call my husband David.", the bow and arrows woman said pointing to the sword guy.

"I'm Killian Jones. But you may know me as a more colorful name; Captain Hook.", hook guys said. Should have guessed that. "I'm Regina, but you may know me as the Evil Queen.", magic woman said. "I'm Mal. This is Evie, Ben, Jay, Carlos, Jane, Audrey, Chad, Lonnie, Harry, Uma, and Gil.", I said pointing to everyone. We ordered two extra large lasagnas to share.

After lunch we went to find a place to crash. We decided to crash in the ship. We hadn't told them our parents yet. That's going to be so fun. It's going to be awkward.

We headed to the ship and went to talk about what had happened today. They have our parents! This isn't going to worry anyone on this ship at all. Nope not at all.

   We had weren't hungry by dinner since our lunch was pretty late. So, we just went to sleep on the sleeping bags we packed.

  We slept under the stars. I slept next to Ben and Evie. I want to trust the other Vk's but what they did to me and my friends and Ben isn't going to be easy to forgive. We all still tease Carlos about his old fear of dogs.

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

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