Chapter Three

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Ben's POV
  Truthfully I didn't want Chad on the trip but, he bribed and blackmailed me. So I had to let him come and Audrey too. Anyways, when the sun hit my face I woke up. I woke Mal up too. "Morning Ben.". "Hi Mal.", I told her.

  "I think we should wake everyone else. Then get something to eat.", I suggested. She nodded. "We're under attack!," Mal yelled. Harry, Uma, and Gil shot up from their slumber. Everyone else got up groggily. "Where's the attack?", Harry yelled at us. "Nowhere I just had to get you up.", Mal replied.

  Everyone glared at my girlfriend. I laughed. "Let's get something to eat.", I suggested. Everyone nodded. We got off the boat and bumped into Henry.

  "What...?," I looked what was in his hand. That book. The book. "Where did you get that book?", I asked alarmed. "From a summer home library.", he replied. I could tell there was more to the story.

"What are you doing at the docks?", Lonnie asked. "I wanted to talk to you.", Henry told us. "Also I brought bagels.", He added. "Well, why didn't you say so! I'm starving!", Carlos told him. Henry grinned.

   We went back on the ship. I think Harry called it the Golden Sunset or something like that. We sat in a circle on the main deck.

  "So? Where are you from?", Henry asked cautiously. "United States of Auradon!", I replied. "I'm from the Isle of the Lost.", seven voices said at the same time.

  "I thought so.", Henry told us. "It says here that Issac Heller made this place so, that all the stories could have a Happy Ending.", Henry told us. 'Issac Heller? My father created the USA.' I thought. "How was it created?", I asked. "Well, Issac was the Author of a magical story book and I guess he created it so everyone could have a better life and the real ones he could mess up their lives as much as he wanted.", Henry told us. "Seems legit.", Carlos muttered.

   Mal and Uma rolled their eyes. "Carlos? What's wrong with you? He's basically saying that we shouldn't exist!", Mal yelled at him. "Mal, calm down.", I soothed. "No Ben!", she said glaring at me.

I smirked "No more strawberries until you calm down.", I taunted. "Fine. Why are you so mean?", she asked. "The Isle of the Lost toughened me up and your friends taught me some stuff.", I replied.

She smirked. "Good.", she said. She nodded at Evie, Carlos, and Jay. "Nice you guys you turned an Auradon softie into a Isle baddie.", she said. I couldn't help but feel hurt.

"Mal!", I whined. "Yes?", she asked. Her green eyes seemed to be hypnotizing me. "Nnnothing.", I stuttered. "Anyway! I'm sure I'm not the only one who's getting nauseous, watching you guys. Henry continue now.", Harry gagged and directed.

Henry nodded. "I think that all your parents stories ended in a happy ending except the villains, an I correct?", Henry asked. I nodded my head.

"Wait, there was that blinding light. No! It can't be!", Mal said. "What!", Henry asked excitingly. "There was no blinding light Mal.", I told her. "Jane?", I asked. She nodded. "There was a blinding light but it was magical.", I asked. "Only people with magical abilities can see I guess. Henry? Did we travel between realities? Worlds? Dimensions?", Mal asked worriedly.

"I don't know but, let's go to the fairies.", he suggested.", Henry suggested. "Or the Dark One.", Henry added. "Dark One.", my girlfriend muttered. "Let's go to the Dark One.", she said surely.

"Why?", Chad asked. "He's probably evil! Once a Vk always a Vk Ben! Can't you see your girlfriend is evil!", Audrey screamed. Mal rolled her eyes. "Except for the fact that my magic is dark magic but I use it for good. And we need all the help we can get.", Mal retorted.

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