Chapter 15

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Kiara's POV

We saw Dumbledore and some other people and with them all i saw my- no Lily and James and i saw the others holding Our babies in a protective kind of way making me realize it would seem as if the other tried to take them away from us i heard a growl from behind me and i felt Jason's arms tighten around me as he saw how most looked at me.

Lily came forward and starts to talk like she could deside over me i just felt a huge rage wash over me like there was no other emotion it was a plain black and red rage at this woman saying she should take OUR babies and RAISE them herself as my sibling i just felt this sickening rage toward her as she says all this thing like i'm no mother i can't take care of them.

I looked her right in the eye and a dark threatning smirk appered on my lips as i said " A whore rasing OUR babies.... and here i thought Lily Potter was a smart witch but really your just a stupid disgusting whore and only good for thinking of sex and getting fucked like the disgusting little bitch she is.." i growled out many froze at the tone of my voice and Lily looks horrified, oh yes i know of her little hook up with Albus and Alastor. I grined lagrely and said "and James is no better is he he is just a man whore who gives Aids to anyone he fucks which is pretty much any woman he sees" i started to laugh a high pitch laughter and just gets out of Jasons arms.

I walked over to Dumbledore grabbs him by his long beard and takes Jeff knife and start to cut over his eyes hard all while i laugh and felt his blood splash onto my face, i stabb him in the eyes and just laughs s he cries out in pain, i felt someone poke my lower back i turn around and i see Sally she is grinning wildly and gives me sharp needles as well as some salt i grined even bigger and turns around and sees the horrified looks i'm getting. 

I just laugh and start to push in the needles in his alredy bleeding eyes soon i used the other needles to crave in things in his face and throat and rubbing in the salt into his bleeding wounds. I looked down and saw the blood on the dress as the other runed out of our home screaming. I felt Albus die as his body became cold and white. 

I looked over at the others they looked shocked but proud at what i just did, i looked down onto my clothes again and saw how blood stained they where i looked up at Jason again and he just chuckled. he pushed me into the bathroom again this time by myself of course and gave a light order of a shower and new clothes i just nodded and went in and showered myself again for the second time today, 

i steped out of the shower and just walked out into the opend room that was now clean of blood and the others where playing with the kids but for some reason they all had dressed up formarly i poked my brothers shoulders and they just chuckled as i no doubt looked like a lost puppy they just pointed me in the direction of the watdrob and said i had forgoten we where going on a masquerade in the Malfoy's home y eyes wided as i quickly went in there to find my dress and do the hair and make up as well as the shoe's.

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