Her Story

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Kiara's POV

As me and Jason stode there looking at each other, he started to chuckle and said ¨Sweetheart of course we did i made sure of it¨He said and chuckled making me breath out again. It's not like i didn't want more kids it's just to close to the Twins and i wanted to give them all my attattion and when they get older we can have kids of course!

I just kissed him on the cheek and went out to the others they all looked up when they heard us and i could see Neville and Luna there as well. I gasped and runed forward to them and hugged both of them tight to me and just enjoyed them being there, they where always there for me when i needed them i giggled as Neville started to tickled me to get me to stop hugging them.

So i let them go and soon i felt Jasons arms around me and the squeaky voices of our children saying Papa Mama! i giggled as he kissed my neck and soon we all sate on the grass right beside the water.

Suddenly i heard Jeff ask #so sis you gana tell us about where you have been all this time?# i looked at him and nodded so everyone sate down as i begune the story.

" So it all started when i was around a year old when i was outside, Jeff and Liu had just begune first grade being 6 and 7 years old and i had to be home as i was just a toddler. I was suddenly grabbed and i heard our parents scream as they saw my kidnapper. I was crying out for my mom and dad and the man just ignored me then we where suddenly in London i guess? 

After that he left me with the Potters then they suppousingly died "saving" me then i was of to the Dudleys and they where horrible people they did things no one should have to deal with. They would not let me get good grades neither would i be able to do anything correct to them i was always doing bad when i did chores for them, like make dinner, breakfast and lunch i would also take care of the house clean it take care of the lawn fix the flowers do the shoping.

I would never get a break what so ever and if they didn't think it was good then they would beat me with fists, belt, kitchen things then make me clean them off from my blood and the would love to USE me . It was horrible i hoped that i wouldn't have to return after the first year at Hogwarts but Dumbeldore said the they loved me and they did care for me and i was saver there! 

I would always listen why i don't know but to him i was his obidient puppy. I wish i did something the first time i was hurt." i told them and the had wide eyes but i only felt shame and looked down to my lap all happines from before disappering directly. Suddenly i felt a par of arms wrap around my waist i looked up only to see Sally she had big teary eyes, i whiped her face with my hand gently and hugged her to me and soon i felt three par of hands around me i looked up only to see Jeff, Liu and Jason, i kissed Jason's lips and then i kissed my big brothers cheeks .

"In my first year i was in danger because of Albus thinking it would be smart to have a special stone that can give one a longer life then normal and me wit my "friends" found out about it and desided to take the stone due to Voldmort wanting it so when i went inside the room where it was i hade to kill someone and i have never been more hurt then anything when i later told my "friends" they cheered for me! I wanted nothing more then to kill myself by then after everything that i have gone though i never thought anyone would cheer for me for killing a man murder yes but still everyone should get a second chance we don't know how his life was!

In second year i fought a gigantic snake that could easly kill me with its gace i only had a small sword when it bite my shoulder poisening me with it deadly venom if it hadn't been for Fawkes tears i would of died in there, but i did succide in killing the beautiful snake it honestly probably didn't want kill t just wanted its peaceful rest. When i came back to it i was in the hospital wing and they told me everything there Ronald had gotten hurt and Lockheart had gone insaine and i was crushed once again thinking everything is my fault and i didn't want to live with this guilt but i had to.

Third year wasn't as bad i must say at least i was hunted by dementors and they did try to hurt me on more then one occation but i was still happy and the same year i got my godfather back Sirius Black, he asked if i wanted to live with him and of course i said yes immiediatly he smiled to me when i accepted it, i also nearly got biten by a werewolf but then it was all fine i guess?

Fourth year was the hardest and most horrible one as i was forced to be in a competition that i hadn't asked to be in and there i saw the true colors of my "friends" they left me to fend for myself. I was in all three of the challenges and in the last one i nearly died and one died       Cedric Diggory I was so heartbroken by the fact that i let one of my real friends die that i wouldn't stop crying for three weeks and i nearly succsided in killing myself once and for all but just when i stoped breathing my godfather came and healed me and then he wouldn't let me out of his sight for the rest of the summer and the months he would come and visit me. But in all honesty i havn't been happier and he noticed so he stayed as long as he could and would sneak into Hogwarts."

I told them and they just nodded and hugged me tighter to them self the other was looking at me with sad eyes and then a rageful and protective look came over all of them even my babies who was now against my chest feeding and i could feel Lunas hand stroking my shoulder in a suportive way. I smiled as i once again saw my beautiful big family and i can honestly say that i wish it never changes i looked up as i heard a bark i looked and saw Padfoot coming my way with his toung out and a happy look.

I got out of their arms and soon sate down carefully with my babies pressed against my chest and i saw Padfoot smelling them then licking their hat coverd heads making them let go of my breats and then giggle at the grimm as he looked up at me and licked my cheek.


sorry for the long wait! hope everyone likes this chapter! Buh bye my beautiful and handsome stars!~ 

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