31 | risky business

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Had Jensen been pretending to fall asleep for the rest of their two weeks before Miles so she didn't have to talk about his LA idea? Yes. Was Jensen a thirty-two year old woman and not a fourteen year old? Also yes. But frankly, she didn't feel like it. Not while she was avoiding her problems by pretending to be asleep. Like a child.

Without giving much information, she'd enlisted Dayna to help her avoid as much time alone with Miles as she could. Dayna didn't ask many questions but helped her all the same. A month ago, she wanted the opposite. She was trying to wrap her head around how quickly things had changed. Saturdays were supposed to be their time off filming to spend how they wanted, which was mostly with each other. Jensen found herself dreading it.

            She knew Miles had never intended to freak her out as much as he had. But she also didn't want Miles feeling bad about the panic she was feeling. Internalizing it and avoiding the conversation seemed to be the best way to not talk about it. As awful as that was. She wanted to talk about it when she had an answer. One that didn't make her stomach tie into knots and shoot up into her throat. An answer that felt right not just easy.

            The plan after filming was over was to fly back to Los Angeles, where Jensen would stay at Miles' for a day before going back to Vancouver. Back home. She could last one more day avoiding the conversation, right?

            Jensen figured the lengths she went to avoid the conversation gave her the answer she had been looking for. She needed to stay in Vancouver. Where she knew she belonged. Los Angeles was glitz and glamour and paparazzi and nothing she was prepared for. Vancouver was familiarity and home and it was what Jensen knew, what Jensen wanted.

            Dayna, Miles, and Jensen were currently sitting at some shabby chain restaurant in the middle of JFK. Miles and Jensen had dropped their luggage off already but hadn't gone through the gates. They were eating overpriced burgers together as a late dinner. Jensen didn't have much of an appetite, picking at her fries but never eating them.

            Miles was wearing a baseball hat and a pair of sunglasses even though they were inside. Dayna had lent Jensen a black panama hat that she claimed she wasn't worried about getting back any time soon—but she also just wanted Jensen to be more comfortable in public.

            After too many beats of silence, Miles got up from his seat.

            "Did you get a shock up your ass?" Dayna asked.

            Miles wiped his face with his napkin. "Gotta pee. Is that a crime?"

            Dayna's eyes darted to his untouched glass of water before looking back to him. "It's a free country."

            "Thanks for your permission, mom." Miles headed in the direction of the bathroom.

            Dayna made sure Miles really walked away before looking at Jensen. "Can I ask what's going on or are we still avoiding it?"

            Jensen stared down at her plate, leaning her cheek on her fist. "Still avoiding it."

            Dayna let out a small sigh. "Okay."

            "Things got a little complicated," Jensen said. "It's fine. It'll be over soon."

            Dayna's eyes widened. "Wait, what?"

            "Wait—God, no." Jensen put her head in her hands. "That's not what I meant."

            "I shouldn't have asked," Dayna said. "I'm sorry. It's not my business."

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