27 | rosebud

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When Miles walked into Dayna's apartment after they'd finally made their way upstairs, he didn't say a word as he walked upstairs and closed his bedroom door behind him. Dayna had looked questioningly at Jensen, who explained everything. As soon as Dayna had heard the entire story, she was on the phone with a pizza place and running out the door shouting that she'd be back in a couple minutes.

Jensen walked up the stairs slowly and toward Miles' room. The door was closed, so Jensen knocked softly.

"Go away, Day, I'll be down in a minute."

"Babe, hey," Jensen said. "Dayna's not—"

Miles' door opened and Jensen was cut off with a hug. Her face buried in Miles' bare chest. Eye level with Miles' birds. Jensen's hand was on his chest and when she became aware of it, she didn't know whether she should have taken it off or kept it there. She really wanted to stop thinking about it so she could focus on Miles.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were Dayna." Miles said softly. "Not that it's excusable when it is her."

"It's fine," Jensen said. "Are you okay?"

"I just wanted to change," Miles said. "I just... if I could strip my skin off after that, that'd be nice. I feel disgusting."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Did you call me babe?"

"I... yeah?"

Miles narrowed his eyes. "Dayna's not here?"

"She's worried about you," Jensen said. "Said she'd be back in a minute."

"I..." Miles kissed the top of her head before resting his forehead against hers. "I think we need to tell her."

Jensen's felt her heart pound against her chest.

"Miles!" Dayna yelled from downstairs before Jensen could reply. "Rosebud!"

Miles looked down the hall, eyebrows knit together. "It doesn't have to be right now. But we've gotta get down there."

"Do you need a minute?" Jensen motioned at his lack of shirt.

"She called rosebud."


Miles started running down the hall. "We gotta go downstairs. Come on."

By the time Jensen had reached the stairs, Miles was at the bottom. Dayna's hallway was not that big, Jensen was almost certain he'd slid down the railing to get down that quickly. Jensen walked down the stairs, going over to where Dayna and Miles already were. Dayna had pizza—dairy free was written all over the box, in case they didn't know from reading it the first time—on the counter and was currently putting three pints of ice cream in her freezer.

"How are you?" Dayna asked, closing the freezer and looking at Jensen.

"I'm... fine," Jensen said.

"Good, good."

"Can I ask what rosebud is?" Jensen asked. When Miles went to open his mouth, Jensen held a finger up. "Don't say it's from Citizen Kane."

Miles took a piece of pizza and shoved a bite in his mouth. Jensen figured it was to stop him from saying exactly what she'd said not to.

"Rosebud means emergency," Dayna said. "Sometimes it means that we need a dance party. Sometimes it means emergency two am talk at three in the afternoon."

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