11 | sunshine, rainbows, and la vie boheme

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Keira had cancelled screen tests after getting Grace to call the police. Hugh had demanded an ambulance worker attend to him despite the fact all he needed was an ice pack—the swelling in his jaw was undeniable to anyone in the studio. Miles had been handcuffed, put in the back of the police car, and driven away from the studio.

It was a week after the incident that the verdict was reached.

After a couple days of trial, Miles was sentenced to eleven days in prison and a handful of community service hours. He had pled guilty from the start, which made the sentencing process easier and he had already spent the week in custody, so he really just had four more days left. His lawyer had claimed provocation, which had been confirmed by four witnesses to the incident.

Yes, those four witnesses.

Because as it turned out, Miles had an incredibly good lawyer. Because of course he did. Because he was Miles fucking Fox.

Dayna was a character witness—talked about how Miles was a great guy and didn't deserve to rot in prison for one mistake when there were other people walking free who had done worse. Grace had seen most of the argument and defended the provocation claim. Keira said, straight to the point as always, "They were both being asshats but, yeah, Miles is a good guy." She proceeded to call Hugh and Miles "dickheads" so many times, the judge had to ask her to desist. Jensen hadn't been questioned long. She merely described what she'd seen, said Miles was a good person, and was pulled off the witness stand.

Keira called Jensen into the studio to finish off her screen test the day Miles was released from jail.

Colour her surprised when she walked into the studio and Dayna was reading over her script and not Miles' stupid smoulder.


Dayna looked up and smiled. "Jensen! Hi!"

"Hey," Jensen said, "Is... is Hugh here too?"

Dayna smiled. "He's not. We did our screen test the other day."

"Is Miles—"

"He's not here either, it's just us," Dayna said. "Keira asked if I could read Miles' lines for him. I've been practicing, listen." Dayna looked down at her script, clearing her throat. In a deep voice, Dayna said, "I took time away from my daughter to be here. Do you want the list of how many people told me not to do this competition?" She looked back up at Jensen with a grin on her face. "Pretty much Miles, right?"

Jensen laughed. "Spot on. Beautiful."

Dayna laughed, too. "Keira said to head on in when you were here. Are you ready to go? Or do you want to run over lines?"

"I think I'm okay," Jensen said. "Thanks."

Dayna looked around before leaning in slightly to Jensen and lowering her voice. "I'm picking up jailbait boy after this is done. You're welcome to come if you want."

"Why are you whispering?" Jensen asked. While also whispering. Which, frankly, just seemed hypocritical.

"Because I for sure saw a pap car behind me while I was driving here," Dayna said. "Don't know where they went. Or if they're still here. Better to be safe than sorry."


"You should come," Dayna said, "I think he'd like to see you."

Jensen made a face—mostly involuntarily. "Why?"

Dayna smiled. "You know Miles doesn't take many people to Hoy's, right? It's like... his spot. The place he goes to escape the world. And he did that the first day that he met you. He just spent four days in a room by himself. It would be nice for him to see a friendly face."

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