S4 Chapter Three🐆

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Princess POV

Me and the gang walked threw the hallway of the school , everybody was waving and taking pictures and screaming our name.We smiled and waved at everybody as we walked threw , people wanted to take pictures and get our autographs.It was crazy , we wasn't used to this , we used to this when were wearing our super suits , the hallways was filled with students.We was tryna get through to class but more students was coming and running towards us.
"Oh lord" I said laughing
"Uh I think we need to hire body guards" Sophie said
"I think we do"
Even the teachers wanted pictures and autographs.
We had to run away and hide to get a breather.
"Omg" !
We laughed.
"I can't believe that just happened"
"That was crazy" Stephan said
"I didn't realize how many fans we had" Domonique said
"That was almost the whole school" ! DJ said
"I know wtffffff" ! Nikki said
"Yo and our reveal video went straight viral" Justice said
"Yass it's on all the news channels and all over social media" Prince said
"Wow ...we are official celebrities" Angel said
"Yessss and I love it"
Lunch was hectic , everybody wanted to be near us and talk to to us.Monica ran up to us.
"Danmm wassup YALL" !
We glared at her and seized her.She looked awkward in the face.
"Can I sit with y'all" ?
Sophie glanced at me.
"Your not cool enough to hang with us"
She gasped.
Me and Sophie high fived.
"Now run along fake bitch and if I see you back in my house sitting on my bed Imma zap the fuck out chu"!
She backed away.
We laughed.
"I Know that's right"! Domonique said
"Tell that fake hoe wassupp" ! Sophie said
"She wanna hang wit you since you famous now , like gurl bye wit all that" ! Angel said
"Fr like ain't nobody crazy , imma always remember want you did bitch"
"She got what she deserved, that's why you never treat people funny Cuz you never know if they could be rich and famous" Nikki said
"Exactly" !
Bryce POV
I walked up to the table of Powers in the hood.I had register and pretend like I was a senior at the school , ima try to get close to Princess , so I can steal that Diamond necklace.Because kidnapping her is out of the question ; the bitch has powers , so I gotta be smart about this.But I know I gotta act fast , because Queen Money is very impatient.
"Hello , I'm such a big fan of you all"
"Oh hey we appreciate that, what's ya name" ? Princess said
"Nice to meet you" !
"Nice to meet y'all too" I said grinning
"Do you have any favorites? We won't get mad" ? Sophie asked
"My favorite is Electric Princess actually"
"Oh wow ...I'm flattered"'she said smiling
Stephan grins and seizes me , he sho was watching me.He probably saw how I was looking at his girl.But I DONT care , I don't want her anyways, I just want that Diamond necklace around her neck.
"Can I get a picture" ? I asked
"Sure" Princess said smiling
"I haven't seen you around , are you new" ? Stephan asked
"Oh yeah im an exchanged student from Puerto Rico"
"Ohh wow okay , how come you came so late in the year , we graduate in a month...unless your a freshman" ? Stephan said
"Oh no I'm actually a senior , I'm 18, and I was just having some family issues so I decided to move out and move here and get my own place"
"Oh wow okay"
"Yeah it was pretty rough leaving my friends and shit but life must go on"
"Do you still keep in contact with them"'? Princess asked
"Oh yeah"
Me and Princess took a few pictures , I took a few flicks with the rest of the gang too.I kept looking at her necklace, more than her face.
"Your necklace is very beautiful, where did you get it" ? I asked
She looked down at her necklace.
"Oh my grandma gave this to me for my 18th birthday"
"Wow , do you know where she got it"?
"I have no idea , she said it was passed down from generation to generation"
"Oh wow ....well it's very pretty"
"Can I hold it" ?
"Uh no I don't think so"
"Oh okay...sorry"
She nodded.
Princess POV
I glanced at Stephan , he glanced at me oddly.We glanced at Bryce oddly.
"Well nice meeting y'all" Bryce said smiling
"You too Bryce"
He walked away.
"Why he kept asking me about my necklace" ?
"That's what I'm tryna figure out" Stephan said
"Yo it's this talent show happening this Friday , we should do some" DJ said
"Yesssss, that would be lit" Sophie said
"Ooh ! What if the girls form a dance team and the boys form a dance team , and we come up with a dance routine, n all that" !
"Yessss lets do itttttt, thats litty"! Stephan said
"Oh I'm down for this" ! Domonique said
"Yesss I love to dance" Prince said
"Me toooooo" ! Angel said
We all clapped and cheered.
The bell ringed.
Hours was passing , I was on my way to my last class , I turn around.Bryce was behind me.I jumped.
"Boy you scared me" !
"Oh I'm sorry"
"Wassupp" ?
"Since Im new , I was wondering could you show me around the school, If you don't mind"?
"Uh okay sure , after class I can, meet me by the gym"
"Okay cool thanks" !
Bryces POV
I glared back at Princess as she walked away , I suddenly get a call from Queen Money.
"Hello" ?
"Don't hello me , what's going on" ?
"I found a way to get Princess alone"
"Okay good , I want my necklace"
"I know I know , you will have it soon"
"I better or your Puerto Rican ass is mines"!
I gulped.
She hung up.
I sighed deeply.
Queen Money's POV
I was currently getting a massage.I hear a knock at the door.
"What" ?!
Swan walks in.
"Why are you interrupting my spa treatment" ?!
"your Uber eats is here"
"Oh ...go fetch it for me"
She nodded and walked out.
Princess POV
"You ready for the tour" ?
"Yep" Byrce said smiling
I showed him the gym first , then the auditorium.
"Wow this is so big" he said
"Yeah this is where the talent show Gonna be held this Friday"
"Oh that's wassupp , are you gonna be in the talent show" ?
"That's wassup , I bet your gonna kill it"
"Yeah me and my girls creating a dance group"
"Oh cool"
Bryce POV
Princess phone rings."one sec"
She turns around and walk away.
I eased my blade out my pocket , this was the best time to get her while her back was turned.Suddenly she turns around , I quickly eased the knife behind my back.
"Princess" ! Stephan walks in the auditorium
Princess POV
She giggles and runs towards him.
"I was looking for ya Li ass, why you in here alone with him" ?
"Oh I was giving him a quick tour of the school , but we finished now"
"Oh Aight"
Stephan's POV
I glared at Bryce , he glared at me with a grin.I took Princess hand and we walked out.
"I don't trust him and I don't want you with him alone"
"You think he's bad" ?
"I think he's untrustworthy, he was smirking at me"
"Really" ?
"Yeah , I think he hiding something"
"Ooh okay, maybe we should look into him"
"Yeah I think we should, cuz it dont make sense that he just come randomly at the last minute of the school year and he a senior, thats kind of weird , ion be his story"
"Yeah it was kind of weird"
Bryce POV
I glared at Stephan and Princess evilly as they walked off down the hallway.

POWERS IN THE HOOD:SERIES/REBOOT⚡️🔥💦🐆✨जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें