S3 Chapter Two💦

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Princess POV
We arrived to the cave , we had to walk threw some deep woods to get their , night had fell , and we knew we had to be back for midnight.The cave had a huge opening.
"Wow, it's so big" ! Victoria said with excitement
"I can't wait to explore this ; this is so exciting" DJ said
"Danm I never seen a real cave in person before" Stephan said
"That shit looks like death"
"I was thinking the same thing , that does not look like hey let's go explore, we don't really know if we're gonna die but let's go" Mario said
He stood by me as he fold his arms.
"Y'all are seriously doing the most , it might not be that bad" Stephan said
"We're doing the most ?! Y'all wanna go inside a cave that this random girl that we just met said , what if she wants to kill us , we don't know her" !
Victoria glares at me "I know y'all don't know me well, but I'm alone on this island and I wanted some friends , to explore this cave with" Victoria said
"Let's give her a chance" QT said
I glared at her , she glared at me with a slight smile.
"Stay close and stay together" ! I said with frustration
Everybody nodded.
"It's about to be an adventure" ! Stephan said
"I already feel horrible tlying to our parents" ! I snapped
"Just chill Princess , you gotta lie to your parents sometimes , that's how you have fun in life" DJ said
"Ugh no it's not , if something bad happen to us , we're gonna be in trouble or dead ...and our parents aren't no where we are" !
"She's right y'all , I think we just turn back" Sophie said
Victoria's POV
"Nooo plz, we're already here, why turn back now , we might make a discovery of a lifetime" !
"And how old are you" ? Princess asked
"Oh we are too" Princess said seizing me
Princess POV
"Water check , flashlights check" ! Prince said
"Snacks check" ! DJ said
I grabbed Stephan to the side before we walked in the cave.
"Princess what's wrong" ?
"I don't like this and I don't trust her"
I glared into his eyes.
"I know your always used to fighting bad guys , but Victoria might be a good guy , just chill and have some fun , let your hair down baby"
"Okay whatever boo"
We kissed lips.
Everybody walked slowly in the dark cave, we immediately cut on our flashlights.
I glared at Victoria from the back.She was fine as hell.
"I see you watching miss thang" Caroline said
"Shut up, no I wasn't" I said smiling
"Oh yes you were , you like her don't you" ?
Caroline said chuckling
Victoria looked back at me with a smile.I smiled back.
Stephan's POV
We flashed our flashlights all around the dark cave , it was so exciting but aka most terrifying tbh, but I liked it , it was just like the movies.
Christina's POV
"I've always wanted to be a scientist, I love this"
"Whoa I did not know you was interested in the science world" King said
"Yessss , it has always fascinated me"
"Cool, I like my woman smart" King said
I giggled.
Princess POV
I was grabbing onto Stephan as we walked threw.I was honestly so scared.The walls were so old , and halfway falling apart , a light stream of water was below our feet.
"I hope I don't step in shit" DJ said
"Well it will serve you right for coming down here" Sophie said
"Well your down here too Sophia" DJ said
She Frowns and rolls her eyes.I took my hands off Stephan because something caught my eye.I seen scratches on the wall.It looked like claw scratches.
"You okay? what do you see" ? Stephan asked
"Don't these look like claw marks" ?!
"Probably some human nails or something, let's keep going"
"Or maybe it's the Claws of the Bahamas Zombies"'Prince said with laughter
I hit his shoulder "do not play like that, and that stupid legend not even true"
"But what if it is" Prince said
"Yeah I'm with Prince , how do you explain those random disappearances" ? Angel asked
"People could have died of exhaustion and hunger due to the walking and humidity"
"That is a logical explanation but you never know" Prince said
"Oh shut up Prince , we just here to find some money, fuck the Bahamas Zombies" Mario said
"So Victoria why are they called the Bahamas Zombies? Are they like dead aliens or something" ?
"Yep" ! She said with laughter
I gasped "whoa that was just a theory, are you serious" ?!
"Yeah their dead aliens that fell from space onto our island"
"So are they trying to protect the treasure or just kill whoever comes down here" ?
"Well first off the treasure isn't theirs , so I'm thinking their just protecting their territory" Victoria said with air quotes
"But this isn't their territory, they need to be destroyed"
"Yeah , but I was thinking it's just a whole predator v prey situation , come into their home , they have every right to protect themselves...but quick question ? Do you believe in the Bahamas Zombies" ?
"Uhhhh no way ...I just think it's a myth like you said"
Princess POV
We had passed those claw marks , but Tbh I couldn't stop thinking about them , it definitely gave me a eerie feeling, a very unsettling feeling.I drunk some water.
"You okay" ? Stephan asked
"Great" I said quickly
He glared at me "I said I'm fine"
Nikki's POV
Something caught my eye.
"Omg their are drawings on the wall , it looks so old" !
Everybody gathered to see.The painting was in red paint ,well I think it's red paint.
"Whoa ...that painting look scary" Mario said
"I think those are the Bahamas Zombies" Victoria said
"Um what ?! That looks terrifying" !
"How was somebody able to draw those Bahamas Zombies...and how did they get red paint" ? DJ asked
"First off I think that so called red paint is blood and second they probably painted that before they died, it's probably a warning to show explorers what they look like and to be aware" Princess said
"Danm Princess your probably right" Victoria said
"I know I'm right"
Victoria's POV
I made sure I had took pictures of the claws and I quickly took pictures of the red paintings.
"Yo that's definitely blood , look at the way it's smeared" Prince said
"I guess they lost a lot of blood , but how" ? Angel asked
"Maybe they hurt themselves" Sophie said
"Or maybe the Bahamas Zombies took the hugest plug out of them and blood gushed uncontrollably" Prince said
"Prince stoppit" ! Princess said
He laughs.
"I'm teasing" !
"Yeah well it's not funny" !
"Yeah chill out man" Stephan said
Princess POV
I had to take a deep breath , my breath trembled.I checked my phone.
"Y'all it's 11:30, we gotta get back" !
"We haven't even found the treasure, we gotta look a bit deeper" Victoria said
"Our parents said to be back before 12 , we have to go now"
"We've come so far tho"
"I told you when I say go , we go" !
"I really want us to discover this"
"Us ?! Or maybe it's just you that wants to discover it , idk where your parents are , but we have to go" !
"Yeah Victoria she's right , we gotta go" Stephan said
"It was fun while it lasted tho" QT said
"Okay can we go just a little bit further , and if we don't see any treasure , we go back okay ? Plz ? Victoria asked
I glanced at everybody, everybody glanced at me.
"Ugh okay fine, just a little bit further and if we don't find anything , we haul ass okay" ?!
"Okayyyy" !
Domonique glanced at me.
"I have a really bad feeling about this" Domonique said
"I know me too , and we really don't know where this chick come from , and I really wanna go home and get under my warm hotel covers"
"Omg Ugh same here , talking about some damn hidden treasure" Domonique said
Sophie huddled up with me and Domonique.
"Victoria is so bossy and pushy" Sophie said
"I know and it's so annoying, but it looks like Angel , Nikki and Christina like her"
"Yeah and Caroline barely been talking since we got in here , I think she don't wanna be here neither" Sophie said
"Caroline" ?
She looks back at us.I signaled for her to walk wit us.
"You okay" ?
"I'm cold and I wanna go back"
"Same , Victoria is so bossy and pushy don't you think" ? I asked
"Ugh yes , and I can't believe half of the gang is like okay with this" Caroline said
"I know , Stephan definitely surprised me"
"DJ is so open to stuff so it really didn't surprise me , but he has his limits and I think we should have turn back just now" Sophie said
Victoria's POV
We got deeper into the cave.
"Omg this is so cool" Angel said
"I really hope we find some treasure" Nikki said
"That would seriously be the discovery of a lifetime" Christina said
"That it would" ! I said smiling
Princess POV
Mario and King has walked in the back with us , they aren't too happy about this neither.But Stephan, DJ , Prince, QT , Angel , Nikki , Christina and Victoria walked in the front with each other , they were the excited ones.I continued to have an unsettling feeling.
Prince POV
"I have to pee , I think I drunk too much water"
"Danm I gotta pee too" DJ said
"Just go behind that area over their" Victoria said
"Anybody else gotta pee ? Girls" ? Angel asked
"Do not leave us , we will be right back"
"We're not gonna leave you , why would we do that" ?! Angel said
Me and DJ wondered into separate areas.
Victoria's POV
"I hope they hurry up" I said as I shook my leg
Prince POV
I stood behind a big ole rock to pee.As I did my business, I glanced over and I seen a trail of red liquid drooling down on the ground.I frowned with confusion.I couldn't help but to see what it was.I slowly followed the trail of red liquid, and for some reason I had a unsettling feeling, because I knew that red liquid was probably blood , but I didn't wanna tell my mind that , or I would probably start screaming and freaking out , I creeped closer and I went around another corner ,I thought my eyes was deceiving me but I seen something so bloody and gruesome.I suddenly gasped and screamed hysterically and uncontrollably once I realized what it was.

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