S2 Chapter Two🔥

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Princess POV
Me , Sophie and Caroline was sitting in class.The late Bell ring and suddenly some boy runs in.
"I'm sorry I'm late, I'm new and I was trying to find my class"
"It's fine, what's your name young man" ? The teacher asked
"King"  he said
"Welcome to English 2 King, everybody this is King , make him feel at home, he's a transfer student"
Me, Sophie and Caroline glared at King.
Caroline's POV
"He's cute" I whispered to Princess and Sophie
"Awww Caroline has a crush" Princess said
"Princess shut up" I said giggling
King walks down the isle , he sits in front of me.I nearly passed out , I glanced at the girls.They was laughing.
"Shhh" I whispered
I watched him as he put his back pack down.
"Welcome to the school"
King turns around.
"Thank you"
"Your gonna love this class , the teacher is lit"
Kings POV
     I feel a sensation threw my body.
Caroline's POV
"I think your really cute"
I gasped , Princess and Sophie glared at me gasping.
King glances at me.
"Omg I  did not mean to say that allowed..why did I say that" ?
King chuckles as he grabs his notebook.
Kings POV
I feel a sensation threw my body again.
Princess POV
"I think I wanna lose my virginity tonight"
I gasped.King glances at me.
"Omg why did I just say that out loud" ?!
Caroline and Sophie glared at me gasping.
"Omg you do" ? Sophie asked
"Uhhh...yeah kind of ...I think I'm ready , me and Stephan been dating for a few months now"
"Well do it if your for sure ready" Caroline said
"Idk..omg I'm embarrassed tho , why did I say that" ?
"Calm down , it's okay , we're your best friends remember"
"I knowwww"
Kings POV
I feel another sensation threw my body.
Sophie's POV
"I know DJ is into me , I'm just scared to ask him out, I never even had a boyfriend"
I gasped.
"Whoa,why did I just say that in front of everybody..."?!
"Idk but don't be scared to ask him out" Caroline said
"And it's okay if you never had a boyfriend" Princess said
Kings POV
I glanced at the girls.
Princess POV
I glanced at King , his neck was glowing , it looked really weird , I gasped.
"His neck" I whispered to Sophie
Sophie gasped , and whispered to Caroline; she saw it and gasped too , we all looked at each other.
"Are y'all thinking what im thinking" ? I asked
"He got powers like us" Sophie said
"Do you think that explains why we keep blurting the truth out loud" ? Caroline asked
"Maybe ...it has to be"
"Hey King ...why is your neck glowing" ? Caroline asked
"Huh" ?He glances around at Caroline
Caroline's POV
"Your neck was glowing a few seconds ago"
"No it wasn't ; I don't know what your talking about"
"Stop playing , we know you have powers"
Kings POV
I gasped and glared at the girls.
"No I don't , y'all don't know anything"
"King ...we have powers too , we're the kids on the news"
I gasped.
"Wait really" ?!
"Yes" !
"Omg your Electric Princess, Aqua Girl and Venom"
"But our real names are Princess , this is Sophie , and Caroline"
"Okay y'all caught me , I do have powers ...this is unbelievable...I can't believe I'm meeting y'all , y'all are amazing...like when I first seen y'all on tv , I couldn't believe their were more teenagers like me , I just didn't know who y'all were and where y'all were at"
"Thank you , and It's so nice to meet you King" Princess said
"Same to you" !
"What are your powers" ? Sophie asked
"I can make people tell the truth , my powers usually actives when I'm around somebody that is holding in something.."
"Omg so that explains why we kept blurting out stuff that we didn't want to say" Caroline said
"Yeah...Sorry, it just happens naturally"
"No it's okay, we understand, your power can really come in handy for criminals" Princess said
"Oh wow , that's so true , I never thought about that"
"Yeah people can admit to their crimes and be sent to jail and prison" Sophie said
"Danm, I didn't know what I had was so ...helpful"
"Hell yeah ...well for criminals ...some things people wanna keep to themselves" Caroline said
"True but sometimes the truth is better , it can set you free my mama say"
"True that ; do you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch , we got 6th lunch" ?Caroline asked
"Sure , I have 6th lunch too"
"Yayyy okay" Caroline said
Me and Caroline smiled at each other.
Stephan's POV
Me , DJ and QT was chilling in Geometry.
"Omg I hope we don't have a pop quiz"
"Ugh i know man , that shit be the worst" DJ said
"I hate math so much" QT said
"Who you telling man" I said laughing
"We have a pop quiz today" the teacher said
The class moans in frustration.
Suddenly some girl walks in , she looked new , I ain't never seen her before.
"I'm sorry I'm late , I have a pass"
"Oh it's okay sweetie , what's your name" ? The teacher asked
"I'm Christina , I just transferred here"
"Aw okay , well welcome to the class Christina , you may find a seat anywhere you like"
"Okay" she said back
I glared at this Christina gurl , she so pretty , she walked down the isle , she sits behind me.I looked back at her with a smile , she smiled back.Stephan and DJ glances over at me smirking.
"What" ? I asked
"Nothing" Stephan said laughing
"Y'all need to leave me alone"
"We didn't even say anything" DJ said laughing
Christina's POV
I noticed the teacher was about to trip and fall , and I suddenly I felt a strong sensation come threw my body and instantly the teacher caught herself without falling.She was literally about to hit the ground , but I made her not fall.She glanced weirdly.Im sure it looked weird to everybody how her body suddenly moved , because she was literally about to hit the ground , and she came back up.
Stephan's POV
"Whoa did y'all see that" ? I asked
"Yeah she almost tripped"
"Yeah I know but did you see the way she caught herself in like mid air or something..."
"Yeah , that was weird" DJ said
"Almost like if somebody had a remote to pause and rewind her"
"Yeah that was pretty freaky I'm not gonna lie" QT said
"Yeah but it was almost like magic or something, like something was controlling her , because she seriously was about to hit that ground and Outta nowhere she didn't"
"What do you think happened" ? DJ asked
I glanced At Christina.She barely glanced up at me.I seen her finger tips glow and then it faded away.I gasped.She didn't know I seen that.I quickly texted DJ and QT what I saw.
DJ and QT checked their message and gasped.
"Do you really think she has powers" ? DJ whispers
"Duh, her finger tips was glowing , I know what I saw , I'm not seeing things"
"Do you think she's the reason the teacher didn't fall" ? QT whispers
"Yeah ...I seriously think so"
I glanced back at Christina.
I turned around as I glanced at Christina.
"Hey ...my friend saw your finger tips glowing"
"What are you talking about" ?She said as she frowned
"I seen your finger tips glowing ...did you make the teacher not fall just now" ?
"Uh ..I don't know what your talking about" ?
"I think you do" DJ said
"You don't have to be afraid , it's okay if you have powers , we have powers too"
"Really" ?
"Yes , we're apart of the powers in the hood gang that was on tv , we're the kids that are saving people"
"Omg no way , that's crazy...y'all gotta be lying"
"No way Christina, we have powers too , we are the kids from the news"
"Y'all are really the famous super hero teens" ?
"Yes" ! QT said
"Whoa omg ...okay fine ..I believe y'all and yes I do have powers"
"Yep I know I wasn't seeing things, I know it was hard telling us that and believing us , we was pretty scared and overwhelmed the first time we discovered our powers too"
"Yeah it's pretty scary, but also very cool"
"What can you do" ? QT asked
Christina's POV
"I can control people...I can make them do whatever I want"
"Omg ...whoa that's really cool , is it like voodoo" ? Stephan asked
"Yes very similar"
"Wow , now that's lit" QT said
"Your power is off the Chain" DJ said
"My power ? Y'all power is really cool , you can control fire Stephan, and you can run really fast and you can shoot stingers...that's so cool"
"Thanks , do you wanna hang with me and my gang at lunch , what's your lunch period" ? QT asked
"Sure and I have 6th lunch"
"So do we" ! QT said
"Okay, wow I can't believe I'm talking to the kids of powers in the hood , y'all are literally celebs , it's sad y'all have to keep y'all identity a secret...it's sucks y'all can't get the credit for all the amazing lives you've saved and helped"
"I know but it's for our safety" Stephan said
"I understand, my mom is the only one that knows about my powers , I didn't even tell my old friends"
"Well I wouldn't tell them unless you really truly trust them" DJ said
"Yes I know , In due time I guess"
"Yes maybe" QT said
"But it's so nice meeting y'all"
"It's so nice meeting you too Christina , welcome to powers in the hood" QT said
I gasped.
"Are you serious" ?
"Yes" !
"Omg thank you , this is a dream come true"
"Have you used your powers to help anybody yet" ? Stephan asked
"Tbh no, I'm still trying to control them"
"Well our mentor Professor Konine will help you out with everything, he can even built you your own super suit" DJ said
I gasped.
"Omg that's so cool"!
We laughed.
Male Robot Number one POV
I glared into the school window behind a bush looking at one of the kids of the powers in the hood gang.My scanner fixated on Princess.I glared evilly at her.....

POWERS IN THE HOOD:SERIES/REBOOT⚡️🔥💦🐆✨Where stories live. Discover now