Part One | Losing My Mind

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15th February 

"I think we need to talk about something."

Violet freezes. The mug between her fingers begins to slip from her grip due to the sudsy water, and the hot tap pouring warm liquid into the sink begins to burn Violet's skin.

Out of all the phrases she never wanted to hear, that one is up there at the top.

And what makes it worse is that Violet's suspected that this was coming for a while.

Violet clears her throat and drops the china mug back into the sink, not caring if it chips in the process. Calmly, while collecting her breath, she turns off the hot tap, watching the bubbles froth in the water below her, her reflection fragmented by the soap and dishes beneath her hands.

"Uh, what's that Clem?" she mutters as she turns around and faces her girlfriend. Clementine is sitting by the breakfast bar, tapping her heel against the stool as she scrolls through her phone. She looks completely uninterested.

Violet thought that for a conversation of this magnitude, Clementine would at least look at her.

Violet clears her throat again and leans her arms on the sink behind her, steadying herself for the blow that she's expecting.

"I was wondering.." starts the brunette, pausing to read something on her phone. Violet tightens her grip on the sink, feeling the seconds drag into minutes while Clementine loses her train of thought.

"You were wondering?" prompts Violet, finally speaking up as the tension grows too strong to withstand.

"Oh," says the brunette with a smile as she locks her phone and places it face down on the table.

Violet frowns, expecting a less joyous expression from her girlfriend given the nature of the conversation the pair are about to have.

"As I was saying, I was wondering if you'd made your mind up about coming to the cabin for the party Louis is hosting tomorrow." Clementine tilts her head to the side and watches Violet with something between a smile and a smirk playing on her lips.

Now it's Violet's turn to say 'oh'. Relief floods her body as she loosens her grip on the sink, moving her hands to her side as she swallows the tension that's left her limbs feeling stiff.

"Oh I don't know yet," mutters Violet as she turns back to the washing up, thankful that she has an excuse to hide her face from her girlfriend. The blonde wets her fingertips under the warmth of the running tap and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "I don't think I'll fit in there," she mutters.

"Louis invited you," says Clementine as she turns her attention back to her mobile. "And Brody will be there, and Marlon," states Clementine as she reels off names, eyes still glued to the screen.

"Yeah but..." mutters Violet as she focuses her attention on scrubbing the inside of a pan. She rubs the steel until the wire scourer in her hand leaves scratches on the sides. "It's not really my thing," she states, dropping the pan on the drying rack. "What even has Louis got planned, kayaking, a night drinking by the pool? Those just aren't things I'm interested in Clem."

Violet is still looking away from Clementine, but she doesn't need to be making eye contact with her girlfriend to hear the exaggerated eye roll and exasperated sigh that leaves her lips. "Vi, I really wish that you'd try a little harder," she mutters.

Violet frowns, catching her reflection in the murky water. That Violet is frowning too, staring right back at her. "Are you definitely going?" she asks over her shoulder, already knowing Clementine's answer.

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