what happens when you give them the silent treatment

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Rachel Berry -

So if you have Rachel the silent treatment for whatever reason she, being the drama queen she is, would do the same. So both of you would not be on speaking terms. But in the end you forgive each other.

Mercedes Jones -

So Mercedes would give you loads of apologies. She will do everything in her power to make you not upset at her.

Santana Lopez -

So Santana would actually be really upset cause you're not talking to her. So since the light of her life, you, isn't talking to her, she will extra bitchy to the students of McKinley.

Quinn Fabray -

Quinn will try to be reasonable. She'd start off with apologizing then buying you candy and finally taking you to Breadstix for dinner. So basically she'll be spoiling you.

Brittany S. Pierce -

Brittany will shower you with many, many, 'I'm sorry's. She would be confused as to why you're not talking to her. So she would not talk to you at all until you talk.

Tina Cohen-Chang -

Tina will ask the New Directions for help. They'd each give different answers, so she just trys to find a solution on her own.

Marley Rose -

Marley would try to find out what she did wrong. She would not be able to handle you not talking to her.

Kitty Wilde -

Kitty will bother you nonstop. She would feel guilty for what she did wrong. She will do anything for you to stop giving her the silent treatment.

Madison McCarthy -

Madison, just like Marley, would retrace her steps and see what she did wrong. She would feel so guilty. She would go to Mason for advice.

Jane Hayward -

Jane would try to be reasonable. She'd wait for you to talk to her when you're ready to do so. She doesn't want to push it.


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