An Update on Everything :p (11/13/12)

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Dear journal,

Well umm... My site modeling site has really taken off. 412 likes at this second. That's cray cray qurl. Anyways, I've mainly been caught up in that and school work. November 1st I went to a BOTDF concert and it was amazing c: Here's basically how it went:

I got there at 6:30 and doors opened at 7. I stood in line freezing for half an hour, and then I got inside. There was a small porch thing on the side of the music bar I was at. The small porch thing had stairs leading up to the stage on it, tables, and chairs. I stood on a chair to watch Davey Suicide play. After they finished playing, they exited by the stairs. However, they hung around the stairs for an easy 20 minutes or so, so my friend Alexus and I went up, said hi to them, and got their autographs, which was great. Then we kept watching New Years Day play.

Then, we saw Dahvie walking up the stairs right by where we were. So I hushed my friends and told my mom who it was. We had driven two hours to see them, and when my mom told Dahvie that, he got us first in line for his signing. We also got free CDs, and my friend got a free bracelet. He signed everything we wanted and gave us tons of hugs c: It was one of the best two things that happened that night.

We kept shoving our way closer during the Jeffree Star show and got a half decent spot in the crowd. Luckily it cleared out a bit because everybody wanted to go get autographs from him. So he was off stage and BOTDF wasn't on stage yet. The crowd started chanting "B-O-TDF!" over and over. Of course I joined, as well as Alexus. Then they came on stage and I swear I almost went deaf from the screaming xD So they played Sexting first, and then they played Scream For my Ice Cream. I figured they wouldn't kiss because it's usually during Sexting, but they kissed during Scream For My Ice Cream. It was just... *-* Amazing. *-*  So they finished playing their songs and then my friend and I went over to the Davey Suicide booth to get an autograph from Davey and we both got signatures from Ash(New Years Day) as well. All in all, it was a great day and I would do it again if I got the chance.

Besides that, here's basically what has happened lately...

October 30th: Get ACIII and play that for a while. It's pretty good actually...

October 31st: Play a little more ACIII and go trick-or-treating for a little with my friend

November 1st: BOTDF concert I just described

November 2nd: School field trip. Could be better, could be worse.

November 3rd-12th: Managing site modeling page, taking pictures, not much else, oh and homework. I also got 1% further on the ACIII story mode. I'm now at 4% complete only because my brother barely lets me have a turn on his Xbox

November 13th: Today. I plan to watch the Walking Dead, eat food, and hopefully play a little ACIII. Oh, and COD: Black Ops II sucks. You can't play with your friends... So don't buy it. Buy ACIII, Halo 4, or RE6 instead if you want to buy a new game that's worth the money.


I'm doing the song challenge and video game challenge right now, and that's about it. Basically everything else is on hold.

Fun Section:

Watch The Walking Dead. Don't even complain that you don't have the time. If you didn't have the time, you also wouldn't be reading this right now.

The Loving Dead,


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