My Life(Yes, this is all real)

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So, I'm deciding to make a journal/diary/something on here. No it's not going to be a story. It's going to be my thoughts and what happens most days.

Dear Wattpad Journal,

Today I went to school. It was pretty fucking boring. The classrooms were also pretty hot towards the end of the day. I'm listening to BOTDF like usual, and I'm helping my friend Alexus with her Algebra 2 homework. Meanwhile, I'm in geometry, which means her homework should be harder than mine, but yet I still managed to figure out a problem on her homework in like... 3 minutes. I have tons of homework to do. Trust me, all honors classes suck when it comes to homework. For now the homework isn't too terribly hard, but I have a feeling it will be about halfway through the year. Right now I'm currently doing my science homework. It's easy but boring :p Hoping for dinner soon. I'm getting hungry. Good god I have to memorize some of the map of Europe for world history. I bet I'm the only one in the class that knows where Liechtenstein is. THANK YOU HETALIA :D The show made me want to find out where Liechtenstein was, and I found it :3 I also know where France, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Italy, Great Britain, Norway, and Russia are xD I don't need a book for them. It's awesome. I want pasta for dinner suddenly... most be my Italy side coming out. ITALY GO AWAY!!! *Italy raises white flag and surrenders*. Good job Italy :3 I think after I finish my homework I'm going to eat food, take a shower, and just sleep. I'm already tired as hell, and it sucks. I need another Mountain Dew -_- And yes, I do believe I have a slight caffeine addiction. I don't care what you're going to say about my caffeine addiction. It could be worse. I could be addicted to drugs or cigarettes or drinking, but I'm not. Yes I drink a bit of water too, so go away you healthy people that insist everybody should be healthy. You're almost as bad as Jehova's Witnesses in my opinion xD I just finished my science homework :D Now I just have to do geometry  and spanish. 

ABOUT MY STORIES: Okay, so this is an easy section to find out about my stories each day. Currently I'm weighed down with school work and I'm not writing today or probably the rest of this week.

Future... Or Past?: This one is highest on my priority list at the moment. It's got three chapters, but I want it up to five really soon.

My Secret: Not really a high priority. However, I do have a good plot for it.

Story With A Lot Of Cliches: The original to this is already finished. The sequel I have a name for. It's going to be named "After Waking Up... My Cliche Life Is So Crazy." The sequel will be started soon. I don't actually have every cliche in the first one, but I got almost all. Go read the original. I entered it in the Watty Awards and I want it to at least place slightly. Everybody please go vote and comment on that one? :D

Poetry: Will be updated whenever I want to write poetry.

 Fun section: You have to have some fun! Anyways, today here's a fun idea xD

Write a really crazy short story. It can only take up one piece of paper, and must include bananas and unicorns somewhere in it. Feel free to post it in the comments if you would like.

Anyways, that's it for today(8/27/2012)


My Life(Yes, this is all real)Where stories live. Discover now