Labor Day<3 (9/3/2012)

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Dear Wattpad Journal,

So, today's Labor Day. Anyways, here's what pretty much happened at the fireworks last night:

So we got up there at about 5:30. Keep in mind that they don't start until 9:05. So we got up there and I sat in our spot for about half an hour. Then my mom wanted me to walk around and stuff, so we walked around with my brother and her boyfriend for about 20 minutes. I got a philly cheesesteak(even though we live in Ohio), and went back down to our spot to eat it. I stayed there with my brother and just texted my friends until about seven. It started drizzling for a little. Then, rain. Then wind. It basically started storming. We had no umbrellas or ponchos or anything to cover us. Luckily, there was a huge tarp set up really close to us, so we stayed under there for an hour and a half. After that we had an umbrella and the rain started letting up. We just waited for about half an hour. Then we watched them. They were amazing c: Then we got in our car, got stuck in about a half hours worth of traffic, and went home tired as fuck. That would be my story of the WEBN fireworks. Anyways, since today is Labor Day, that means I'm taking a break. My mom and I are going to look for a homecoming dress for me, and that's my only plan for today.

ABOUT MY STORIES: Refer back to September 1st. Actually...

Cliche Story Sequel: I've decided I'm starting this tomorrow. Keep watch!

Fun section: Today's Labor Day. Spend the last day of summer swimming or doing something you can't do for the rest of the year(going to an amusement park is an example). Even just hooking up a sprinkler and running around in it outside is good enough xD

I'm being lazy today,


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