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    "Our dearest friends banished, Loki on the throne," Fandral babbled as he paced anxiously about. "Asgard on the brink of war, yet you've managed to consume four wild boar, six pheasant, a side of beef, and two casks of ale."

       Volstagg gobbled at a chicken leg, sprawled out of a wide couch, seemly undisturbed by his friend.

       "Shame on you." Fandral added. "Don't you care?" He slapped the tray of food from Volstagg's grasp, making the man sit up immediately.

       "Do not mistake my appetite for apathy!"

        "Stop it, both of you!" Sif yelled, as she and Hogan pulled the two men apart. "Stop. We all know what we must do."

         "We must go." Hogun announced. "We must find Thor and (Y/N)."

        "It's treason." Fandral said, turning around once more to face the others.

        "To hell with treason," Volstagg snapped. "It's suicide."

        "Thor and (Y/N) would do the same for us." Sif whispered softly.

         Volstagg sighed weakly. "Now shush. Heimdall might be watching."

       The doors behind them opened with a groan at his words, and a single guard stopped in front of them. "Heimdall demands your presence."

       "We're doomed."

       "You would defy the commands of Loki, our king, break every oath you have taken as warriors, and commit treason to bring Thor and (Y/N) back?" The Bifrost gatekeeper questioned the four people lined up in front of him.

      "Yes." Sif said immediately.

       "Good." Heimdall wandered down the steps of his platform and passed the warriors.

       "So you'll help us?" Sif asked, turning around to face him.

        "I am bound by honour to our king." He replied, without stopping his marching away. "I cannot open the bridge to you."

         "Complicated fellow, isn't he?" Fandral noticed, as he frowned at Hogun next to him.

         "Now what do we do?" Volstagg probed.

       Sif spun to face the sword that was the key to the Bifrost. "Look!" It frizzled and crackled with light and electricity, powering up.

       Loki watched from his balcony as the Bifrost shot his friends towards Thor and (Y/N). He swiftly turned around and walked away.

     Loki marched up to stop in front of the Casket relic, and banged his father's staff against the ground, summoning the Destroyer.

"Ensure my brother does not return. Destroy everything, but under no circumstances are you to hurt (Y/N)— not even a single hair on her head." The god of mischief flared.

Back in New Mexico, Sif, Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun strolled leisurely through the town, ignoring the stares and gossiping of the pedestrians.

Up on a nearby roof, two S.H.I.E.L.D quickly warned their boss of they're arrival.

"It's a beautiful theory, Jane." Erik agreed. "But you won't be able to convince the scientific community of any of it. Not without solid evidence."

I crossed my arms over my chest, and was about to say something when a knock on the glass windows of the lab interrupted me.

"Found you two!"

We turned, and my eyes widened when I saw them.

My friends.

The mortal's dropped their mugs of coffee as the warriors entered the lab and I practically tackled each of them into a hug.

"I don't believe it." Erik whispered.

"Oh, excuse me." Volstagg greeted them. "Lady Sif and the Warriors Three."

"My friends," Thor smiled, placing a hand on Hogan's shoulder. "I've never been happier to see anyone. But you should not have come."

"We're here to take you home— both of you." Fandral frowned, wrapping me into another embrace.

"You know I can't go home." Thor shook his head.

I sighed. "And I'm not leaving until I know Thor's in safe hands."

"My father," The god of thunder explained. "Is dead because of me. And I must remain in exile."

"Thor," Sif narrowed her eyes in confusion, slightly shaking her head. "Your father still lives."

No. No, Loki, please don't let it be true.

My heart wasn't listening, wasn't going to accept it, but in my mind I knew it to be true.

He lied to me.

I clutched at my hair as I fell onto my knees and screamed out everything I felt. My face was hot and red, and tears began to stream down my face.

"No!" I cried, chocking out a sob.

Thor kneeled down and snaked a hand around me. "(Y/N), what's wrong?"

I pushed him off, making him stumble in shock onto his butt. "Don't touch me!" Every bit of jealousy, every feeling of alone, rage, or fear that I'd been holding in ever since Jotunheim seeped through, finally escaping from their cages. "LEAVE ME!"

What else had he lied about?

My whole life, he was the one who listened, to anything I had to say. He was the only one who actually cared what I felt, and now, I realized that could've all been false. Some sick trick to keep him amused all these years.

Was everything he did, every hug, glance my way, or calming word, all to keep me on a leash? Like some dog?

I coughed up saliva from my throat and held my arms around myself, because I finally fathomed that no one was going to look after me but myself. I turned to look at the ceiling, and cried, "LOKI!"

The god of mischief rushed to stand in front of Heimdall as he guarded the Bifrost, leaning against his mighty longsword.

"Tell me, Loki," The gatekeeper said nonchalantly. "How did you get the Jotuns into Asgard?"

"You think the Bifrost is the only way in and out of this realm?" Loki scoffed. "There are secret paths between the worlds to which even you, with all your gifts, are blind. But I have need of them no longer, now that I am king." He scowled. "And I say for your act of treason, you are relieved of all your duties as Gatekeeper, and no longer a citizen of Asgard."

"Then I need no longer obey you." Heimdall remarked, before quickly dashing into battle, and bringing his weapon back to slash at the god of mischief.

Loki swiftly revealed the Casket in his hand and used it to blast Heimdall in his place, before his blade had a chance to penetrate his skin, which was then blue, and eyes red.

As Heimdall's entire being began to slowly be engulfed by ice, he whispered out grimly, "She... knows.."

Loki let a shaky breath escape his lips as he stumbled back. "No." He muttered, and turned to sprint back into the palace.

Frost Giants (Loki x Reader) [1]Where stories live. Discover now