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"Is that him, mother?" Younger me asked, I had to be only about a few years old, running my thumb over the parchment paper portrait.

"Yes, Calder Nord." She smiled, combing out the rest of my (colour) hair. Her beautiful (colour) eyes wrinkled happily, as I stared back at the sketch of my father.

I looked nothing like him. He had different eyes, different shade of skin, and hair totally unlike my own. He looked like a stranger. "When did you draw this, mother?"

She sighed, taking the piece of paper from my hand. "Before I was captured and taken to Jotunheim. Before he died in battle."

I opened my mouth to reply, but thought otherwise and closed it.

"If you wish to speak, speak." My mother commanded, handing me the paper back.

"He looks nothing like me." I said finally.

Mother sighed in frustration, and sharply tugged at a tangle in my hair, making me wince. "Well, he is your father, understood?"

"Yes, mother." I nodded.

"Good. Don't bring it up ever again." Sirgrid warned, before she swiftly got up out of her stool and left the room.

My gaze stayed on the drawing of my father, trying to memorize his face. But I just couldn't see how he was related to me, and I sure couldn't feel it in my gut.

By the time I noticed the strong layer of frost and snow inching its way over the paper it was too late— I'd ruined it.

I dropped the sketch with a scared gasp, gawking at my trembling hands in fear. Why did everything I touch turn to ruin?

"(Y/N)—" Mother stopped in her tracks by the doorway, putting the pieces together of what had transpired. She ambled over to kneel before me to my eye level, and placed her hot hands on mine. There was a sizzle, as steam raised from our contrasting flesh.

"Mother, I'm sorry-"

"Don't be sorry. Be scared." She ordered. "Scared that one day the same thing will happen in the company of someone besides me. You'll be called a monster, and your destiny as Queen will be compromised. Learn to push it away, (Y/N). Learn to never want to use it ever again."

I avoided her gaze as I said, "Yes, mother, of course."

Yes, mother, it seems you had me fooled. Like some ignorant, idiotic, obedient little girl.

Not anymore, Mother.

"You know not what your actions would unleash." Laufey warned. "I do."

At the moment, I didn't care. I felt the ice and the swirl of coldness collect and manifest between my fingertips.

"Go now, while I still allow it." The king commanded.

A huge, blue Frost Giant stepped up in front of Loki, Thor, and I. I felt like I wanted to puke. That was what my real father probably looked like.

"We will accept your most gracious offer." Loki said sweetly.

Maybe you will, Loki, but for once in my life I'm going to do what I want. And if it's reckless, and impulsive, and stupid, so what?

I smiled to myself. This was certainly going to be fun.

"Come on, brother." Loki insisted, before his eyes fell on me. "Wouldn't want to put your wife in danger, would we?"

Frost Giants (Loki x Reader) [1]Where stories live. Discover now