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"They committed a crime! They're in jail!" Erik yelled.

"I can't just leave him— them there!" Jane argued back.


"You didn't see what I saw!" Jane screamed.

Darcy gasped, pointing to the book on the table they sat around. "Look, it's Myeu-Muh."

Jane walked around to look over Darcy's shoulder at the page. "Where'd you find this?" She asked Erik.

"The children's section." He answered. "I just wanted to show you how silly their stories were."

Jane flipped over an image of Loki, before stopping on a (colour)-haired woman. Her section was titled (Y/N) Ísveig. "But you're the one who's always pushing me to chase down every possibility, every alternative."

"I'm talking about science, not magic!" Erik snapped.

"Well, magic's just science that we don't understand yet, Arthur C. Clark." Jane quoted.

"Who wrote science fiction." Selvig added.

"A precursor to science fact!"

"In some cases, yes." Erik compromised.

"Well, if there is an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, then there's something on the other side, and advanced beings could have crossed it!" Jane explained.

"Jane." Erik scoffed.

Darcy decided to finally enter the argument. "A primitive culture like the Vikings might have worshipped them as deities."

"Yes!" Jane agreed. "Yes, exactly. Thank you."

"Mmm-hmm." Darcy hummed in return.

They stared at Erik expectingly, before he sighed and gave in.

"You made my men," Agent Coulson began, as we sat tied down to a couple of chairs in front of him. "Some of the most highly trained professionals in the world, look like a bunch of minimum-wage mall cops. That's hurtful.

"In my experience, it takes someone who's received similar training to do what you two did to them." He continued once realizing that we weren't going to talk.

I glanced worriedly at Thor to my right, who was solemnly avoiding my gaze.

"Why don't you tell me where you received your training?" Coulson suggested. "Pakistan? Chechnya? Afghanistan? No, you two strike me more as the soldiers of fortune types. Where was it? South Africa?" He paused to inhale and said, "Certain groups pay very well for good mercenaries like you two. Who are you?"

Thor finally met the eyes of the other man, but remained silent. I pursed my lips and could've probably escaped by now, but I wasn't about to leave my betrothed husband behind.

"One way or another, we find out what we need to know." The agent threatened. "We're good at that." A device in his pocket began to beep, and he took it out to peep at it. "Don't go anywhere." He ordered, before he left the room.

As the door shut behind him, Loki appeared in the place he once was. He wore mortal clothes, a nice dark green suit and tie with a coat.

"Loki!" Thor cried joyfully. "What are you doing here?"

"Thank the Allfather!" I smiled. "I— we missed you." I stumbled awkwardly.

"I had to see you both." Loki explained sadly, and I felt myself frown in confusion.

Frost Giants (Loki x Reader) [1]Where stories live. Discover now