Chapter 2: Blast Off!

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Ryder and the pups have just arrived at the Rocket Platform. They went to the flight hangar next to it to meet with the Captain. They saw a lot of vehicles there.

Ryder: "Come on pups, we have to go to the hangar first." They all followed.

All: "Woah"

Chase: "Oh man, is that a real stealth jet?!" He looked at the black jet with large wings.

Ryder: "Yes it is Chase."

Chase: "The greatest spies in the world ride on that. I would love to be one of them someday."

Ryder: "Don't worry, I know you'll be one great spy pup someday, not that you already are."

Skye: "Yeah, and spies need to be extremely dashing." She nudged the pup's shoulder."

Chase: "Heh, yeah. I guess so."

Capt. Hughes: "Ryder? Is that you?"

Ryder and Chase: "Captain Hughes!" They both run to meet him, while the others followed behind.

Capt. Hughes: "It's so great to see you again. Is...that Chase?" Looking at the German Shepherd.

Chase: "I sure am!"

Capt. Hughes: "You've grown a lot in two years, not to mention you look fit and buff."

Chase: "Well I am a Police Pup after all, hehe." Then the man looks at the other pups behind Chase.

Capt. Hughes: "Care to introduce me to your friends?"

Chase: "Oh yeah, this is Marshall, Rocky, Rubble, Zuma, Everest, Tracker, and this beautiful pup is Skye."

Capt. Hughes: "Woah, you grow up faster than I thought, haha." He winks at Ryder which he then winks back at the Captain.

Capt. Hughes: "Anyway, let's get you prepped up for the trip!"

All: "Yes sir!"

They went through various training exercises and practice simulations to visualize the feeling of walking on the moon and riding the spaceship. After all that, they were ready.

Capt. Hughes: "Okay, now that you've mastered the basics. We can finally go to the Moon!"

All: "Yeah!" They all howled in excitement.

Capt. Hughes: "Now, let's get the ship loaded up, then we have to get suited up for the trip."

All: "Okay!"

They all got suited up in spacesuits with their corresponding colors. Chase was blue, Skye was pink, Marshall was red, Everest was teal, Rocky was green, Rubble was yellow, Zuma was orange, Tracker was in dark green. Ryder and Captain Hughes were in white.

They got on the elevator which led them to the cockpit. They were assigned a travel buddy which they would sit next to. Ryder and Captain Hughes were in front, Next was Chase and Skye, then Rocky and Rubble, Marshall and Everest, in the back were Tracker and Zuma.

They strapped in and waited for the countdown.

Personnel: "T-minus 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...Booster Ignition."

The Ship blasted off the platform and was on it's way to the Moon.

Skye: "This is the best day of my life!"

Chase: "Whoohooo!"

Marshall: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!"

Tracker: "Esta es una nueva experiencia!"

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