9. Breakfast and a Breakdown

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This chapter is dedicated to Lellsy because her writing is so freaking amazing and reading her works inspires me to try and write that little bit more eloquently.

Louis' P.O.V

Somehow we managed to get through breakfast without the confrontation that I was expected. In fact it was quiet, tense and awkward. Thankfully, Harry had the sense not to say anything until Niall had finished eating.

Clearing my throat, I decided it was time to break the awkward atmosphere. "Well, not that this wasn't a wonderful breakfast, but, erhm, why are you guys here?" I felt three pairs of eyes shift to me, one of which seeming to ask really, Lou?

He then voiced his thoughts out loud. "Louis, really? For the past few months, we've eaten breakfast with you every Friday to make sure you're alright. Heaven knows you needed us to." Liam leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest and shifted his gaze to Harry. Harry squirmed, slightly uncomfortable, though I knew I was the only one who noticed. Even after almost five months, I still know him better than anyone else, aside from his mother, maybe.

"So, Harry, tell us. How's the lovely Mrs Styles?" Even though I knew the truth, I couldn't help the small wince at the name. It was supposed to be me, damn it. Liam's eyes flickered to me as he noted the movement. "Enjoy your honeymoon? Fuck her into the mattress hard enough that you'd forgotten your best friends?" Liam was taunting Harry now, making him uncomfortable and guilty, like he already wasn't feeling bad enough.

Voice deep and gravelly, still slightly thick with sleep, Harry answered Liam. "Funny thing that, but she's only my wife in the legal sense. In the wise words of Frank Ocean "I believe that marriage isn't between a man and a woman; but between love and love" and our marriage was anything but loving. I hate her and want nothing to do with her. Louis knows why I did what I did."

With slight smirk on Liam's lips, he quickly shot back "But do you know what Louis did while you were gone? He didn't eat, he barely slept, didn't talk. Hell, I practically moved in here to make sure he was still breathing! He was basically a walking coma! He was completely dependent on you and you knew it and you threw him away for your latest slag of the week who managed to trick you into marriage! So I really hope what you thought you did was worth it."

Niall opened his mouth, presumably to question Harry's, wanting more details to the unfolding drama, but I cut him off, saving Harry from the next round of awkward questions.

"Harry and I promise to tell you all the details about this at a later date, as soon as we finish talking things through and fully understanding the situation." I felt slightly smug that I made Liam speechless. The boy never shuts up, so do that was a big accomplishment for me.

I rose from my seat, pulling Harry up with me by the wrist. "Well, this has been sufficiently awkward and if there's nothing else that you need to add, we're going back to my room." Without even waiting to see if either Zayn or Niall had something to say, I stalked out of the room, my stiff gait purely a manifestation of the annoyance I felt towards Liam and his harsh judgement towards Harry, the latter mentioned stumbling along two steps behind me and my quick pace.

Thankfully, we reached my room relatively quickly and I was able to sit and vent about Liam's actions towards Harry. Perching myself on my bed, motioning Harry to do the same. "What the bloody hell? What gives Liam the right to treat you like that? Especially when he knows how I feel and could probably guess how I'd react to something like that! He was out of line saying what he did!" I was seething, and didn't notice the sombre expression on Harry's face until I had calmed down a little.

"Haz? What's wrong? Is this about what Liam said because I promise you that I don't hold anything you did against you, and I fully understand why you did what you did, but -" Harry cut me off with a single finger pressed against my lips. Only then did I notice that the haunted look had returned to his eyes.

"Harry?" My voice was barely able to be heard, but Harry knew, the vibrations from my words thrumming against his finger, which he still had to remove from my mouth. Doing so, he crossed his legs, resting his hands in his lap. Bowing his head and shaking it, he finally spoke. "I'm so sorry Lou. I'm so fucking sorry, you have no idea. How can you forgive me when I've hurt you so deeply? God! What was I thinking?" His fingers made their way to his hair and pulled on the curly strands in frustration and obvious agony.

"Hey," my voice causing him to look up and meet my eyes, tears making their way over his cheeks and along his jaw, dripping off his chin. I faltered. I'd never seen Harry so distraught. It made my heart ache to know that, once again, it was my fault. "Harry, I'm not blaming you for how I acted. I probably over-reacted while you were gone, which was foolish of me. But I just never knew how much I depended on you before."

Harry was shaking his head again before I was finished. The words he spoke stopping my heart. "Louis, there's more to that and you know it. I really fucked you up. I've seen the proof."

The blood drained from my face. "What?" The question pushing its way through my frozen lips.

Sighing sadly, Harry reached for my left wrist, which was still covered from the long sleeved shirt I had worn to sleep the night before. I pulled it back, afraid of his reaction when he finds the scars and the fresh cuts that I knew were under there. Harry continued to reach, undeterred by my reaction. I gasped as five cool fingers wrapped around my material-clad arm.

Pulling it, and by extension myself, closer, he gently pushed the sleeve up past my elbow and exposed the scarred skin. I noted how his eyes instantly zeroed in on the cuts I made last night, his face unchanging from its tender expression, almost like he knew what to expect. Slowly, he adjusted the right sleeve to match, brushing his fingers softly over the slightly raised marks disfiguring my once tanned skin.

"You knew? Wha-? How? When?" I was gobsmacked. How did he find out? I was so careful! Not even Liam discovered my 'little secret' and he'd basically lived with me for close to four months. I could feel the guilt and shame build up, tears welling up from the sudden onslaught of emotion I was drowning in.

As the first tear fell, I found myself clutched tightly to Harry's chest in a warm embrace and comforting words whispered in my ear. I couldn't stop the sob from rising in my throat. Chocking it out, the floodgates opened and the tears poured out, escaping in rivers down my cheeks and neck, staining mine and Harry's shirts with the clear salty liquid.

I have no idea how long we sat like that; me crying uncontrollably and Harry just being Harry, holding me and attempting to calm me, rubbing soothing circles into the skin at the back of my neck and on my lower back. Eventually the tears slowed, I pulled myself from Harry's arms and scrubbed at my eyes, trying to remove the evidence of my embarrassing breakdown. I could feel the red puffiness around my eyes. I sighed. This was one conversation I was hoping would never happen.

Why was I so stupid?

Hola beautifuls :)

I'm really not happy with chapter but meh. I hope you like it :) I've decided I'm going to try and update every Thursday (not including this coming Thursday). 

So comment, feedback is greatly appreciated and I'd love to hear what you think and if any improvement can be made :)

For the next chapter, if you want a dedication, comment what you think will happen with Harry and Louis' conversation. My favourite answer will win 

Again, 15 votes and 10 comments for the next chapter :)

Adios Amigos

Lauren xx

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