14 (Part 1). Searching For My Love

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Dedicated to the lovely and amazingly talented @YumNakedLarry for the fantastic cover she made for me :) <3

Harry's P.O.V

"Holy shit man," Zayn's voice was hushed and horrified. "What are we going to do?" I felt relief flood through me, knowing I wouldn't have to do this alone - that my boys would be by my side. The relief soon burned away, giving way to a grim determination that was reflected in my voice as I gave Zayn his answer. "Find him."

"How are planning to do that Haz?" Liam wondered. "We don't even know where Caroline lives, let alone where she could possibly be keeping Lou."

"So we talk to the police, private investigators, Lou's family! Anyone who can help us in any way to track him down!" The frustration exploded inside me, manifesting itself in the shout of my voice.

"Um Haz? How will Louis' family be able to help us find him? He said himself that he hasn't spoken to them in months." Niall always was the slowest of us all.

"We need to tell them he's missing Niall. But we need to keep on the down-low because I can't risk Caroline getting wind of this and moving him further away and making him harder to find."

The boys nodded understandingly as I slouched myself into the lounge, effectively ending my 'control' of the conversation.

Liam took over, assigning us jobs to do. Zayn was to call the Tomlinson's, Niall was assigned the task of calling the police and Liam gave himself the role of calling management and passing on an urgent message to Simon.

This left me jobless, so I took it upon myself to make tea for the lads.

While I was waiting for the kettle to boil, I let my mind wander towards Louis. I hope he's alright. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if anything happens to him. He's my world, the only reason I get up some mornings - even though he (or anyone else) knew it.

I finished making the drinks absentmindedly. A tea with two sugars and a dash of milk for Liam, tea with one sugar and no milk for Niall, black coffee and no sugar for Zayn and a tea for Louis with no sug - oh. Right.

I sighed. He's so heavily ingrained in my life. I can't escape him. He's everywhere. I just want him to come back.

I finished the final tea, adding one sugar and the tiniest bit of milk to suit my tastes before carrying out the cups out to the lounge room. I handed each cup to their respective drinker, eager and grateful hands cupping the mug carefully.

Liam, Zayn and Niall recounted their phone calls and the conversations that had transpired. The police would arrive as soon as they could, as would management and Simon would try to make it down by four o'clock. The Tomlinson's would arrive sometime this evening.

Time seemed to crawl by. I sat rigidly on the edge of the arm chair closest to the hallway, anxiously waiting for some kind of response from the police or management. Liam and Zayn shared the lounge, feet touching and sharing secret glances that I ignore, my entire being focused on finding Louis. Niall was sprawled out across the floor on his stomach. His head rested on his arms which were folded underneath his forehead.

I lost track of how much time had passed, when a sudden knock at the door startled me into action. I leapt up from my seat on the lounge and tore down the hall, eager to get this investigation started.

The door swung open to reveal Simon, two representatives from Modest? Management, and two policemen - well and policeman and a policewoman. The man was older and going bald at the temples and the woman was a young pretty redhead with wide innocent blue eyes that immediately reminded me of Lou. A sharp pang hit me in the chest. Louis.

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