12. Taken

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Harry’s P.O.V

The next few hours found the five of us brainstorming ideas on how to avoid Caroline’s plan. At about half two, I felt my phone buzz silently against my thigh. I excused myself from the group and escaped to the bathroom to open it.

From Caroline:

Louis’ just such a pretty boy, isn’t he? It’d be a shame for anything to happen to such a gorgeous face, wouldn’t it? Better keep an eye on him. I can’t promise to keep my hands to myself ;)

I felt an ice chill creep down my spine. No. I couldn’t let Caroline anywhere near Louis. He probably wouldn’t survive.

Opening a new text message, I bit my lip, wondering how I could reply to that.

To Caroline:

Stay. Away. From. Him. He’s mine.

I decided on the blunt, caveman approach to this situation with Caroline seemed the best way to deal with her and her psychotic, scheming ways.

From Caroline:

How cute Harry. I almost felt scared. Almost. Until I realised that you’re nothing but a scared little boy who can’t even protect your ‘true love’.

Watch your back.

I swore right here and now that I wasn’t going to let Caroline get to me or Louis or any of my family. Not while I'm still here to protect them.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of normality as per Louis’ request for an average day, ending with a night in with the lads, eating fast food and watching Disney movies. I personally would have preferred a night in  curled up on the lounge with Lou in my lap.

Louis and commanded Niall to set up the movie and put Liam in charge of ordering the pizza from the little pizzeria just down the road and picking it up. Zayn had nothing specific to do, but he barely strayed from Niall’s side all night. The looks he shot at Niall when he thought no one was looking reminded me of myself when I had first fallen for Louis. Biting my lip to hide a smile upon realisation of what this meant for Zayn, whether he was aware of it or not.

“What’s that look for?” Louis asked, sidling up to me, touching a tender hand to my forearm. Wrapping him into my arms and resting my chin on his shoulder, I murmured a soft “tell you later” before tightening my grip and pulling us onto the lounge, him lying on top of me.

Louis emitted a surprised sound of approval as my hands grasped his waist and traced mindless lines on his skin through his usual striped shirt.

Brushing my thumb over the very defined edge of his hipbone, I earned myself a gasp that sounded strangled and desperate. His eyes shone bright and wild, eager for more contact. Before it could progress any further, I reminded him that we weren’t alone and promising to resume it later, pulling us both into a sitting position, my arms encircling his waist and his face comfortably nestled into my neck.

Looking at Zayn and Niall, I discovered that they’d been watching us. Coughing awkwardly, I broke my gaze, snuggling closer to Louis, pressing my face into his hair. An uncomfortable silence descended upon the room, broken only by the undiscernible whispers from across the room.

The awkwardness was quickly broken by Liam, oblivious to the room’s atmosphere. “Pizza’s here guys.” Louis and I heaved a sigh of relief in unison, glad for the reprieve. Towards the end of the night, we watched Bambi, Louis had sprawled across my body during the movie marathon and ended up crying into my chest as Bambi’s mother gets shot by the evil hunter. Die you evil being. How could you? He was a baby!

Blackmail: A Larry Stylinson Story {Temporary Hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now