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"Hey guys, the boys are here if you wanna visit-" yinka smiled, walking in on us wrestling, i was currently on top of deji trying my hardest to pin him down.

"okay let's g-" he started before i interrupted.

"nope. tap out." i smiled, making him groan, before hitting the bed twice. with that, i hopped off.

deji walked out first and i followed shortly behind before being stopped by yinka.

"thank you." she smiled warmly.

"for what? i haven't done much." i giggled.

"for making Deji smile and laugh a lot today. i haven't seen him do that much lately. and also getting JJ to come over." she grinned, wider than ever, as we walked to the living room.

"Aw, of course Mrs. Olatunji. i'd do anything for your family." i smiled, as she pulled me into a quick hug.

"thank you." she mumbled before walking a bit quicker.

"How you gonna leave me like that Dej?" i giggled once i entered the living room, clearly making my presence known.

i immediately locked eyes with Simon. All
i wanted to do was hug him, and let him know i was here, for real. but i felt as if it'd be weird.

"so you two are basically made for each other and you aren't gonna say a word?" Deji whispered in my ear making me let out a quite loud laugh, which ended in me quickly covering my mouth.

"Hi guys i'm Charli." i laughed, sensing the awkwardness.

"I'm JJ." the younger boy, standing next to Simon smiled, walking over for a hug, i quickly wrapped my arms around him, and felt his body untense itself.

"i know you're nervous being here. don't be. they missed you so much." i whispered as he nodded, separating from me, and letting a smile takeover his face.

i gestured towards his mother, of course lowkey, so she didn't know, basically telling him to get the fuck over there and hug her.

he instantly wrapped his mum in a hug. i felt like i could feel everyone's emotions, even if that sounds weird. JJ was relieved, Yinka was happier than ever, so happy she might cry, Dej was nervous, very nervous, Jide was excited and grateful his family together, and simon, well simon was just simon, the usual, awkward, "funny" guy.

while the family was gathering together, sharing i love yous and stuff, Simon, Deji and I were sat there alone, so we went to the gaming room.

"Deji why didn't you talk to JJ?" i asked.

"I'm nervous and i know he isn't ready to see me." he said.

"nonsense," i began to speak as simon interrupted.

"he's not exactly wrong. JJ came to do right by yinka and jide. he's still hurt by the whole feud."

"Oh." Deji said, walking off to his room.

"Deji-" i spoke as he interrupted.

"We'll do the shoot in 45? and i just need time to myself for a moment." he smiled.

i turned to Simon.

"Hi." he smiled sheepishly.

"hey." i chuckled, wrapping my arms around him, almost wanting to cry. i guess you could say i'm "sensitive."

"even though we've never actually "met" i missed you so much." he breathed out, pulling me even closer to him, if it was possible.

"how long have you been dreaming about me?" he asked.

"nearly five months."

"okay same, that's how long i've been dreaming of you."

"what kind of dreams do you have?" i giggled, still being wrapped in his arms.

hey i rested my head on his chest, and i could hear his breathing. just that sound alone relaxed my body.

"they vary." he smirked, making me laugh.

"and you?"

"they vary." i mocked him.

"you are literally perfect." he mumbled.

"oi i didn't hear that. say it a bit louder?" i chuckled.

"you. are. absolutely. fucking. perfect." he smiled, looking at me.

"how sweet." i giggled.

"you're quite hot yourself minter. in just about every way." i smiled.

"just about?" he gasped.

"fine, you ARE perfect. in every single way." i smiled, pecking his cheek, then making him wrap his arms back around me.

"better be." he chuckled.

"here put your number in my phone so we can text out of instagram." i laughed, handing him my phone.

"we just met and you already want my number. oooh someone's got a crush." he giggled.

"i like the confident side of you." i chuckled.

"in my dreams you're normally very unconfident and shy in a way." i smiled, pulling him into another hug after he handed me my phone back.

"what can i say, you bring out the best in me." he smiled, cheesily.

"wanna sit?" he asked as i nodded letting him go.

"come sit in daddy's lap." he said once he took a seat on the couch. my stomach hurt from laughing so hard, the whole "daddy kink" is attractive but the way he said it made me laugh.

"come on." he breathed out, grabbing my hands and pulling me down.

"you got a kink?" i laughed, readjusting myself on his lap. i put my knees on either side of him and my arms on the back of the couch to hold me up.

"was it hard to notice?" he laughed sarcastically, placing his hands on my waist.

"hey don't be, sassy." i giggled, messing around with his hair, because i knew it'd push his buttons.

"stop it." he chuckled, grabbing onto my wrists.

"or what." i said sarcastically.

"might have to punish you." he winked, making me giggle at how stupid he sounded. i've never been one for the whole being open about your emotions and feelings thing.

"do it." i laughed.

"maybe one day." he said, pausing for a minute. i assumed he was stuck in his own thoughts.

"i wanna go on a date." he smiled.

"me too." i breathed out.

"So why don't we?" he asked.

"i'm booked for the next month unless you plan on going to Los Angeles." i chuckled.

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