Chapter 5: Fate of Snowflakes in Storms

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Oh, fantastic. Here comes round 2, the snow wolf played with A-Un's mane with her fingers, ears twitching at the direction of the wind and hyper aware of the skies. I can't believe I actually doused the thing just to let him use an actual dragon arm. What is wrong with me?

Upon the discovery that Inuyasha and his friends had escaped, Sesshomaru decided it was time to find another temporary arm to "injure" the Tessaiga from his half-breed brother's hand in their next bout. It seemed to be heading down the path of "if I can't have it, no one can". Demons were certainly strangely possessive of the oddest things. Likewise, Koko doubted she had much room to talk considering she hurled weapons of her own and would definitely not tolerate anyone taking it from her grasp. It was a less than violent story if she willingly gave it to someone.

So, wishing for much luck, Sesshomaru came into contact with a dragon and defeated it in seconds of its appearance. A scaly arm of sharp claws, the dog demon acquired a force to be reckoned with once he convinced her to disintegrate the ice substitute from his body. Why she bothered to do these things for the man that kidnapped her (to help) was beyond her, but the incident provided information she otherwise would have remained clueless of if not for the small fallout between the siblings. Even Jaken himself did not know everything about Sesshomaru's family.

In particular, the dog demon lord specified the reason for his want for Tessaiga despite having a perfectly useful sword strapped to his waist. Known as the Tenseiga and the counterpart of the Tessaiga, it turned out to be a weapon of healing and could do no damage to those of the living realm. The little imp would know, seeing as the cruel lord decided it would be feasible to test the blade on his companion. The snow wolf was silently glad she had fallen back to A-Un's side. Certainly, it would be considered a useless thing in the hands of any power-hungry demon. They held no care or love for other beings but themselves. It was rare for a demon to have enough love for another to bring them back, especially for those that lacked a suitable mate.

On the other hands, Koko could imagine the number of humans that would be vying for it if they heard of the sword's existence. It would be beyond valuable and in demand. Far too many lives are lost for humans, by war or by age, she didn't know. Their lives were infinitely shorter than the demons, so perhaps they could never understand the worth of living as they did. So many lives could be saved, but it was in the hands of this guy.

In all honesty, the snow wolf doubted the dog demon understood human emotions as much as he should have. The younger brother would have been better off with it than the Tessaiga. Perhaps that was what Sesshomaru believed, and that was why he fought for the blade that could kill a one hundred demons in one sweep.

I wonder just what his father was thinking, the bluenette stared blankly at the beautiful silver-haired male, tilting her head to the side in mild curiosity. Perhaps she would learn of the father's reasoning if she watched the young lord for a time. It's not as if she had much choice. Maybe I'll figure it out before I return to the Mountains.

Before she knew it, Sesshomaru flew into a battle of strength against the Tessaiga... with Jaken in tow once more.

That imp really needs to learn, deadpanning at the knowledgeable creature's idiocy, A-Un circled the area and landed at a safe distance from the one-sided battle. Jaken had smartly retreated to a tree on the opposing side of the battlefield, his staff ready to defend himself if need be. You'd think he'd pick up on these things by now.

From appearances alone, Sesshomaru's actions were purely targeting the blade. It was not at the half-breed's defences. Had the dog demon done so, Koko doubted the fight would be so predictable that even the half-wit brother could block the attempts. From what she heard, Sesshomaru had been trained in the way of the sword since young. There was no way he would fight in such an amateur manner unless his true aim was to eliminate the weapon in their hand. Steel and iron was the newest cultivation in manifesting powerful weaponry, but not even it can continue to be put under such stress without buckling under the weight. The fact that it was a true dragon's arm that Sesshomaru had acquired only added to the pressure.

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