Chapter 4: Snow vs. Fire! Oh, Hell No!

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Why did... this pesky dog demon... think it would be a good idea... to bring me here of all places? Does he want to kill me?

The female inhaled a thick smog of air, melting under the heat of the volcanic land and wiping away the sweat that drenched her clothes and skin. Snow wolves have never done well in hot weather, but entering into volcano-influenced biomes was pushing it. The air she breathed burned her lungs, her blue hair disgustingly stuck to the back of her neck and any form of ice she created evaporated in the blink of an eye at her lack of ability to concentrate. The iron-fold fans she had in hand were not making any difference to the temperature either, if not making it worse. Finding her legs turning weak under the influence of the foreign land, she trudged to A-Un and hopped onto the vegetarian dragon's back for a cool-down break.

"Sorry... big guy..." Koko murmured, brows furrowing together from the incoming headache. She ignored the old imp that was stupidly getting burned at every step he took. "I need to borrow you... for a bit..."

The dragon groaned comfortingly, "Arg..."

Approximately three days ago, Sesshomaru and Jaken had spoken to a blacksmith named Totosai to commission the lord a powerful sword. Today was the pick-up day, and the dog demon thought it would be amusing to bring a snow wolf into the hot terrains of a volcano. Perfect for a blacksmith, a death wish for any ice apparition. The fact that said man was not anywhere in sight of his home due to "moving out" only made her mood worsen and the pain in her head to become all the more agonising.

Jaken muttered absentmindedly, "He can't help but not like you. Your whole regime is like one whole death wish."

Well, he's not wrong... Koko resisted the urge to laugh, knowing it would be her death on her head if she slipped up. His statement literally described her life. The blacksmith definitely had guts to run away from this arrogant lord. But Jaken really shouldn't have said that if he valued his life.

The comment earned them both an unsuspecting smile from the lord, an unnatural evil smirk that brought even shivers down Koko's spine. Handsome even so, it was not the type of smile she wanted to see again. Squealing in fear of the expression on Sesshomaru's face, Jaken flailed his arms.

"You're smiling!" he stated as if it was not anymore obvious, voice trembling and most definitely rambling in fear. "Oh, please don't smile at me, master!"

I'm so glad that wasn't directed at me...

Proceeding to ignore the talkative demon, the Great Dog Demon of the West walked away in what she assumed was a gesture to follow. Tapping A-Un on the shoulder, the dragon obediently followed behind their master without much care. As for Jaken, he quickly hurried to catch up in realisation that his lord had abandoned him and promptly ignored the snow wolf suffering in the volcano's heat. Sometimes the little thing was too stuck-up for his own good. It wasn't her fault she didn't withstand hot temperatures all that well.

I didn't see him having a good time with the flames either, she huffed at the memory of him getting burned several times in one minute, ears fluttering aggravatingly at her unfortunate situation. Can't we just fly already?

Feeling the weather become more intense, the bluenette groaned and hid her face in the dragon's scale. At least they were cold to the touch. It was a wonder how a human could live in such an unbearable place, blacksmith or not. If this Totosai wasn't some sort of demon, she would freeze hell over for its unfairness.

Hmm yes, that seemed like a good idea.


That's the last time I'm ever going there. I don't care what that lord says, I'm not going back.

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