Chapter 2: Touched by Blizzards

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Hmm... that arm, the blue-haired female scrunched her face in concentration, emerald eyes staring blankly at the missing arm of the Great Dog Demon. She munched slowly on the deliciously-cooked fish she had caught in a nearby river, ignoring the chatter of the imp. It's definitely possible... but do I really want to help him?

Days have passed upon the (uninvited and unwanted) recruitment of the wolf into Sesshomaru's rather uncoordinated party of monsters. In those days, she learnt many facts about his quest for power due to the non-stop talking of a certain annoying creature. A powerful being awed by many, he had a younger half-brother by the name of Inuyasha. It seemed that he was the one that had chopped off his left arm, and also held possession of a powerful weapon created by the fang of their father called the Tessaiga. It, apparently, had the ability to kill one hundred demons in one sweep. Currently, they were searching for a suitable arm Sesshomaru could use to replace his missing one. Evidently, Koko's role was to assist in his quest as she had been deemed "useful" as the Treasure of the Mountain. At least, that was her true purpose. She had done nothing except eat, walk and sleep on the back of the herbivorous dragon for the short timespan she had been with them.

Currently, in observing the beautiful demon she questioned the existence of--no person could be that pretty, let alone a man--she realised one particular problem could be solved temporarily if she so desired to help. Apart from saving her life and the only guide she had as of now, Koko had no real obligation to assist him in any way. There was no emotional attachment to the man or the little imp. Nothing would stop her from running away if she truly wanted to. Sesshomaru had done nothing to give her any sort of sentimental value towards him. He spoke little and radiated an unapproachable aura. He was the type of person that she wanted to run away from.

Likewise, he did save her. So she could do him a favour, right?

If I trained a little, I could control the ice enough to make a working arm... if I connect it to some nerves and concentrate a bit, it should work... sitting on a freshly cold rock, snowflakes sprinkled at the tips of her fingers and her tail thumped on the rock in her concentration. It won't last forever, but it would make a good substitute until he finds an appropriate arm. At the very least, he can dress himself much easier and all that. Maybe he'll be nice enough to tell me my way back home.

That idea was highly unlikely.

But training to help him sounds like a major pain! Why am I even thinking of helping that dog demon? He's the enemy!

She still trained for this undecided decision in her spare time, away from the negative green thing. He complained about it far too much for her liking.

"Ugh..." she groaned, hiding her face behind her hands in frustration as her wolf ears flattened in her distress. That guy was as difficult as a rock, unlikeable and unsociable. He had also kidnapped her (even if it did save her life) and threatened to kill her. Then again, the fact he was missing an arm really bothered her. It was just... off. "But do I really want to? AHHH! WHY IS THIS SO HARD, DAMMIT!"

"Quiet human!" demanded Jaken, snapping at the sudden interruption of the woman. The half-breed had done nothing throughout their travels except eat, walk and sleep. He didn't know why his lord thought she would be useful in any way! "I have gone through a lot of trouble for you, you should at least try to be useful!"

Demons had a great amount of annoying quirks. Full of pride and arrogance, they underestimated half-demons due to their human blood and believed they were great and superior to all. Here she was thinking of helping Lord Sesshomaru, and the imp was giving her attitude and a few insults to boot. Did he want her help or not? Note, said dog demon had long since left on one of his many short journeys for power.

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