Chapter 3: Trail of Snow in Wishes

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That water would feel so good right now...

Subjugated to a life of misery where nature was neither friend nor foe to the snow wolf, Lord Sesshomaru and Jaken proceeded to attend to an errand while leaving the blue-haired female in the care of the sentient dragon. Scales as hard as rock and two heads much smarter than one, A-Un became her babysitter for the day to ensure she did not attempt to escape. In which, Koko questioned where exactly she would go if the female miraculously managed to accomplish such an outrageous feat. No doubt, the Mountain would just tell her to turn back to the pretty man. It seemed to have taken a liking to the cold and quiet male. For what reason other than his face, the snow wolf had no clue.

Alas, Koko had been left to her own terms of entertainment and amusement.

"Ah..." the bluenette released a sigh, disappointingly observing the beautiful blue lake as her fingers skimmed the cool surface of the waters and her feet splashed in its refreshing substance. "What a waste of a good opportunity."

Pouting at the restraints caused by the moderately healed injuries that plagued her body, the beauty had no choice but to relish the feeling of the cool water on her lower limbs. Koko was grateful enough to find such an opportunity for her overheating body. Figuring she would tend to the easily accessible wounds with the unimaginable time she had, Koko carefully undid the bandaged on her arm to see the extent of the damage. Starting from the elbow and ending at the insides of her wrist, the gash had been close to damaging her vitals. It was damn ugly, but fortunately not infected due to the help of the surprisingly knowledgeable imp. It would no doubt leave a less than desirable scar, a nasty one at that. The female could only imagine how bad the others were, and many at the fault of those at her mercy of her claws.

Looking at her sharp nails, she wondered how many people were torn to pieces by her hands at the excuse of self-defense.

Jumping into the lake looks really tempting right now with these depressing thoughts... the sharp contours of her eyes focused on the wound, effectively freezing it in a protective skin of ice. Thin enough to not hinder her movements, but nonetheless powerful. If she wanted a mate of any kind, the scars would definitely deter them away now. Well, it's not like I had much of a choice but to leave it be while I was on the run.

"Ha," chuckling at a realisation, she fell back onto the ground. Her soft hairs sprawled along the fluffy grass, her delicate hands gently combing through the tangles and wolf ears twitching at the calm sensation of the sun and wind. "That imp probably had one hell of a time cleaning my wounds, no wonder he complained every time I tried to look at them when he's cleaning them."

Watching the puffy clouds slowly weave their way through the traffic in the sky, the water tempting her skin turned uncomfortably warm and forced the female to kick her legs to get the cool temperature back. The sun's rays burned her skin the longer she laid on the ground, causing the female to sigh at her unlucky predicament. Grabbing her iron-fold fan from the turquoise sash of her kimono, Koko attempted to cool down by human means. At times, they made the smartest of things. If only they were smart enough to create a cooling effect. That would be absolute heaven.

If I could only protect my wounds from getting wet, I could go in all I... there was a pause in her thoughts, a grin forming on her lips from the brilliant idea that crossed her mind. And that little imp can't say anything if I'm careful about it.


Jaken had always been a blabbering monster of intelligence and knowledge. Perhaps an ignorant and cowardly creature, but nonetheless proved to be useful in his endeavor to retrieve the Tessaiga from his younger half-brother. Occasionally he'd spit a few half-wit words from his carelessness, but Jaken had enough sense to apologise and keep his mouth shut. The fact he was smart made the imp valuable to his cause.

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