Chapter Twenty

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"I don't want to go shopping," I complain, rolling onto my stomach.

Anna pouts and fluffs her hair in the mirror. "Oh, stop whining and get changed." She turns around and spins for me. "How do I look?"

"I like the chiffon top."

"If I let you wear it today, will you get your ass off the bed and put it on?"

"Nope," I say.

"Clara! Honestly, it's just a mall! It's not like I'm dragging you to a slaughter house! You like the mall!" She places her hands on her hips.

"I was at the mall yesterday when you were on the plane!"

"You went shopping alone? Ew. Loner," she says while pulling a face.

I laugh and flash my middle finger at her. "I was bored, okay? You and your mom can go without me. You can do the whole mother-daughter bonding thing." I bite my lip. I've never spent any special time with Mom outside the holidays. Even then, she barely makes it home.

"Well, what are you going do? Hang out in my bedroom all day?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Fine. Suit yourself. I'll see you at dinner," she replies, grabbing one of her bags off the desk.

I wave happily. Once she's gone, I swipe at my phone. There are a few text messages from random people.

Just like she does every year, my agent texts me to wish me a happy summer. At the beginning of June, every year, I get to cut off all contact with her. It's not that I don't like her. I love Rose; she's a lovely person. It's just that I'm still a teenager, no matter what. I need my summer off everything - school and work included. Rose is happy with it since she gets to work with a summer client, which is probably a nice change from me. I'm not always the easiest person to work with.

After texting Rose and a bunch of other people from school, I open Twitter. Like always, the second I send off a tweet, my mentions explode. Ignoring the rude ones, I reply to everyone that is nice. I end up doing this for the next half hour before my phone vibrates in my hands, indicating a new message.

Irish: Want to grab lunch before I leave for Ireland?

Before I can type in a reply, a knock interrupts me. "Come in," I shout.

The other side of the bed sinks a bit. "Hey."

Immediately, I switch over to the Twitter app. "Hey Eric."

"What's up?"


He lets out a low laugh places his head on my shoulder, looking at the phone screen. "I don't get why everyone is so obsessed with this site," he says as he reads my mentions with me. "Isn't it just like Facebook, except not as good?"

Bewildered, I look up at him. "Twitter is way better."

"Twitter is just millions of Facebook statuses," he retorts.

"Uh, no. You can tweet pictures, too. And people can favorite, mention and follow you!"

"On Facebook, you can like statuses, mention, and friend someone," he says, ticking off each point with his fingers. "Twitter is just like a little fail Facebook site."

"I - I - yeah you're right. But Twitter is still better."

Eric laughs. "See? I knew I was right. Now, are we just going to lie here all day having a debate over social networking websites?"

"Sounds like fun to me," I say sarcastically.

He gets up and moves to kneel in front of me. "Let's hang out today."

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