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Over the next few weeks, Ruby was moved into a general education Math class with Ms. Juno, Language Arts with Mr. Monroe, and Science with Mr. Randolf. She kept bringing her magic stones in her front pockets. When the room got too loud, she would gently touch her green stone and things would quiet down. If math became too difficult, she would tap on her blue stone and her mind would clear. When she had to write, her red stone always kept the ideas flowing from her brain to the paper.

And, of course, her yellow stone opened up her brain to a world of words. Suddenly, she could read and understand everything on the page.

She loved her new friendships. She and Lizzy officially became best friends. They walked to and from school, and they hung out after class and on weekends.

Ruby had a hard time remembering what her life had been like before she found her magic stones. She was so happy to have them.

On the last day of school, she was walking home with her friends. They talked about summer plans and what eighth grade would be like next year.

As Ruby said goodbye and headed towards her house, she was stopped. Her eyes were pulled toward the grass near her front door. There she saw a purple bag that looked an awful lot like her magic, red bag!

She bent down to pick it up.

Inside were four more stones. This time they were purple, orange, black and white.

She slipped them into her pocket and walked inside her house.

I wonder what they are, she thought, as she tucked them away in a box in her closet.

I wonder?

THE MAGICAL STONESWhere stories live. Discover now