Chapter 24 ~ Reunited

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Yeah, this update took a little while.

I've got a cousin staying at my place and my parents are adamant about me not writing when she's around because it's really *rude* to ignore her. I mean, I guess I see where they're going with that, but it's not like I'm on the computer all day long...

Anyways, before I let y'all read this update, I decided that I might as well show you guys a picture of the place that I went trail riding at over Memorial Day Weekend. It's so beautiful!!!

 "Okay, so let me get this straight

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"Okay, so let me get this straight. You want me to leave these incompetent idiots to their own devices for several days? Yeah, I don't see how that's going to end very well," Ahsoka deadpanned aloud as she opened her eyes from meditation. Of course, she got no response given that the Force couldn't just talk to her like the Daughter could, but she still felt like she needed to voice her opinion. Which, indeed was, a very adamant one at that.

    The Togruta groaned as she knew that she had to obey what she was told though. The Force had given her a vision of a very familiar planet... so it was her destiny to return to it, no matter how much she was against it. The members of the Council would most likely have dug a hole for their own graves by the time she returned, but oh well, that was their own problem.

    It did make some sense about where the Force was instructing her to go. The place was somewhere that she was sure was very prevalent with the unseen power, so it would probably be easier for her there to use the extra strength to give her foresight. The Jedi Temple was so lacking in the Force compared to where she was about to go that it could easily be mistaken for a fruitless planet such as Tatooine or Jakku.

    She stood up from her position in her newly received Knights' billet. She remembered how Anakin had reacted when he had been informed of Ahsoka's advancement. Of course, he had been extremely proud of her, but he was also slightly sad. He would definitely miss having his Snips fighting on the frontlines by his side, and even the possibility of their assigned legions going on mission together would be slim. Shoot, would she even get a legion? Or would she fulfill other solo tasks? He had to admit, Ahsoka could make a good spy or detective.

    But what's done is done. Ahsoka was now her own, independent, Jedi. Maybe she would take on a Padawan? Maybe she would go on trips to find her centre? That is, if she hadn't already. Anakin had to sadly admit, he wasn't very close to the Togruta nowadays. She just seemed like she was always so busy and closed off. As far as he knew, Obi-Wan was the closest to Ahsoka at the moment, and that wasn't saying very much. The Jedi Master still hardly knew anything about what she had been doing recently, save for the short story that she had given the Council.

    That's beside the point, though. Now Ahsoka was going off to somewhere again without Anakin knowing where. The Togruta gathered a small luggage bag, which was already packed for the most part since she never knew when she would just have to up and leave. It came in handy, really, and she was glad that Padme had let her in on the little tip.

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