Chapter 28 ~ We're Coming

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Is anyone going to read this right away?

Probably not.

Have I spent too much time writing today?

Probably so.

Do I regret anything?

Not at all.

"Alright everyone, listen up!" Ahsoka called out loudly, standing in front of legions upon legions of Jedi. They all wore that same determined, brave look that the Togruta was all too familiar with herself. However, this wasn't everyone. There were two other frigates filled with these warriors, in which were also receiving the same message from Ahsoka via hologram. "This is probably the most important battle you will ever fight in. Today, we need to be prepared to go to the furthest extent to ensure that the galaxy lives to see another day. If there is a single one of you on these ships who isn't ready to commit themselves to that, make your way to the back and wait to go back to Coruscant. I can't make you fight this war, only you can."

    Ahsoka paused, giving the Jedi the opportunity to do as she requested. She waited for nearly a minute, but not a single one of them faltered. They all kept their grim, confident look on their face. "Well, now that we have gotten that covered, I believe it's time to let you in on our plan of action.

    "I'm not positive, but I believe that the army Sidious is recruiting is all of the deceased Sith. To anyone of you who hasn't studied this topic and meditated for hours upon hours, I know this might sound extremely unbelievable, but I need your trust. If I'm right, we are going to have more than our work cut out for us."

    "Wait a minute," a Jedi Knight called out, "how do dead people fight?"

    "They're alive through the Force," Ahsoka tried to explain, "but they can only attack you when they're tangible. So, you can't kill them unless they're trying to kill you."

    "Which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us," Anakin muttered underneath his breath, only going heard by Ahsoka since he was standing right next to her. The Togruta turned to him and quietly whispered a response.

    "You know I can move things with my mind, right?"

    Anakin only scoffed sarcastically, which he covered up with a cough. Ahsoka rolled her eyes at him, then turned back to the rest of the Jedi. "Okay, so we're fighting dead people and some wacky old man with magic hands and glow sticks on a planet that nobody has been to in years. None of this makes sense. But I'm fighting this battle because it's my job. It doesn't matter what you have done or what you were. If you go out there you fight, and you fight to kill. If you stay in here you're good, I'll send some captains to escort you back to Coruscant, but if you step out those doors, you are a Jedi."

    Ahsoka stopped and gauged everyone's reaction. They all generally seemed very excited, which was definitely odd for the Light Side users, since they preferred to stay out of the fight and prevent death. Despite this, Ahsoka could feel the energy in the room. Her nitty-gritty talk had definitely inspired all of the so-called "peacekeepers."

    The Togruta gave a satisfied smile at the reaction, then concluded the conversation with, "good chat."

    Ahsoka stepped down from the platform and made her way to the bridge, where many pilots were at work to make sure that the frigates arrived at Exogol safely. "Update on E.T.A.?"

    "We'll be arriving in a little under ten minutes," one replied as he flipped a couple of switches.

    "Isn't this quite the familiar scene?" A voice asked from behind her. Ahsoka turned to see Kayla. At first, it was only a feeling of Deja Vú, but then the memory of the first meeting the Jedi Healer flooded back to her.

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