Chapter 23 ~ The Leader Within Her

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Hey everyone!

Ready for another chapter?

I hate saying this, but this might be the last chapter until Monday or later. I'm going on a trail ride and I'll be quite busy.

"You need to stop," Lux advised, shaking his head from his position on the couch. Ahsoka acknowledged his request by pausing her pacing, looking down at the rug that she was wearing thin, then continued. "I love you Ahsoka, but I've already replaced that carpet three times. You're going to wear a hole through the whole entire floor."

    "I can't," Ahsoka groaned, holding her head between her hands and wincing. She suddenly grew angry and turned to Lux, then declared in a mocking tone, "these are Jedi Council matters! Only the Council can be involved. Let us just work through this by ourselves and literally get no where while the very person that brought him down has to sit on the sidelines!"

    "I know you're stressed about this 'Soka, but there isn't anything you can do about it. This really isn't worth your mental sanity."

    "My what now?" Ahsoka half-heartedly mumbled, slightly concerning Lux.

    "Your sanity."

    "Why would I worry about my 'sanity' when I have the whole entire fate of the galaxy resting on my shoulders, Lux? In any given moment, Sidious can order the clones to turn against us and we'll all be dead," she paused to hold her hand in front of her and snap, "like that."

    "You can't save everyone else if you aren't okay yourself," Lux pointed out.

    "I'll worry about relaxing after an extremely deadly threat is extinguished."

    "No," Lux firmly stated, "you will worry about Palpatine after you rest."   

    Ahsoka finally gave in to Lux's demands and plopped down in the spot next to him on the couch.

    Ahsoka looked at the senator and gave him a weary smile, only to go back into her frantic stupor. It was definitely an understatement to say that she was overthinking every single way that she could somehow manage to convince the Council to let her help.

    "Don't even think about it," Lux pressured, suddenly wrapping his arms around her thin waist and pulling her closer. At first she was shocked, but she soon melted into the embrace and enjoyed the comforting warmth that he gave off. He was so intoxicating and addicting that Ahsoka could easily mistake him for death sticks. That is, if he didn't have much better looks and personality.

    "What would I do without you?" Ahsoka giggled as she rested her head on his shoulder.

    "Be having panic attacks."

    "You'll never get me to admit that you're right," Ahsoka stubbornly declared, holding her chin high.

    "But you know I am," Lux argued, to which Ahsoka only grew quiet. "What are you planning on doing, Ahsoka?"

    The Togruta sat still for a moment. What was she going to do? Definitely not anything with the Council. They weren't going anywhere. Even Anakin was adamant about not letting her risk her life again. It was hard to blame him, given the fact that she had just returned from being absent for nearly four years, but it still wasn't fair of them. She had brought Palpatine down in the beginning, and she was going to be there for the end.

    "I really don't want to do this on my own again," Ahsoka sighed.

    "But you aren't alone. You have me."

    "It doesn't work like that, Lux," Ahsoka chuckled, "I don't think you can wield a lightsaber."

    "You never know," Lux argued, "I bet I'd be good at it."

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