The Test {/REALLY/ short chapter}

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Destiny, Akita, and Midnight came over that night to be there when I took the pregnancy test. Which made it even more nerving. 

'HAS IT TOLD YOU YET?' Akita exclaimed excitedly. Is Shook my head at her, 'It wont tell me for a few more minutes.' I said setting the test on my dresser. Akita sat in front of it, just starring. 'Quit that's weird.' I said, takig the test back. Destiny and Midnight were sitting on the bed looking at dancing videos like they usually do. A couple more minutes passed and Akita was still asking me eery second, 'Has it told you yet?' 

'Guys.' I said, looking down at the test.

'WHAT!?' Everyone asked in unison. 

I looked up slowly, my mouth gaping. 'I'm pregnant.'

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