Chapter 8

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Thank you for reading. Please enjoy.


It had been a few days. Today was actually Wednesday when I got the letter. I had been hired. I remember scaring my siblings by screaming. They had just come home from school. I had a long night the night before so they let me sleep before I had to head to my jobs. It was sweet.

Anyway, it said I started when the new school year starts. That was two months away. I was super excited. Ayame and Haruhi both got into Ouran with scholarships and Akina got into a different school for those who are too smart for normal schools.

She got in because Ayame decided to teach her all she knows. So Akina knows about high school level and I was slightly angry. She didn't need another reason to be bullied. I was thankful when they showed up at her school.

Mosuke is still in Ouran but now, it's like the host club is a job except he's not getting paid. I shook my head as I walked down the street. I wonder if I'll meet anyone I'm working for when I clean their house. It's been almost a year and I still haven't met anyone. It was kinda disturbing. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. It was a mess again. It looked like someone had another tantrum.

I couldn't always get the scorched marks out. In the kitchen though, there was a girl with white hair and red streaks. She had glasses on. She looked surprised as I walked in.

"Who are you?"

"The cleaner that has been coming in for the past year every Wednesday."

"We have a cleaner?"

"Yep. So I take it that you're not the owner of this house?"

She shook her head.

"Great. If you see him, tell him to stop leaving scorch marks. They're quite difficult to get out. Also, enough with the training. The blood that's in that room most of the time is disturbing." She stared at me.

"You've been the one cleaning everything?"

"I did say that I worked here for a year." She nodded mutely.

"So I guess the envelope on the table is for you?"

"That's the one. It has my paycheck. Anyway, I'm Aki. Aki Kaku." I held out my hand.

"Fuyumi Todoroki." She took my hand.

"Well, nice to meet someone that lives here. I thought he lived here all by himself and had kid clothes."

"Why hasn't anyone met you yet?"

"No clue. Maybe they went to their room while I went to a different room. I do bedrooms first. I just make the beds, vacuum, and do the laundry. That's it. I don't go through personal things if I can avoid it."

She nodded. "Will you stay for dinner?"

"I wish I could but I have to get home to the kiddos."

"You're married?! And have kids?! How old are you?!" She didn't scream exactly, but more of the shocked screeched a person does.

I tilted my head. "21."

"How many kids?"


"You have 3 kids?"

I finally got what she meant. I blushed red. "No no no no no no, they're not my kids. We're siblings. I haven't even been on a date let alone marriage. Oh god, I'm sorry. I didn't get what you meant. We're siblings. I'm taking care of my siblings."

She laughed and nodded. "That makes more sense. You didn't look that old but it could've been your quirk."

"Nah, it's all me. I'm just awesome."

She laughed again. "How many people live here?"

"It's just me, my two brothers, and my father."

"That makes more sense."

She nodded.

"Anyway, I should probably get going with my job. There's a lot to clean."

"Sorry about that."

"I don't think it's your fault."

She smiled and I went to work. She stayed in the kitchen mostly while I worked. The name Todoroki was familiar. I just don't remember. I think mom said at one point that her sister married a Todoroki or was it a Toshinori. I can't remember. I think aunty died at one point because she just stopped visiting. I don't know though. I'm leaning more towards Toshinori though.

It didn't take long before all that was left was the entrance hall with all the scorch marks. It took a while to clean that up. I think Fuyumi felt bad. I didn't mind cleaning it up though. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. After I finished, she handed me a water bottle.


"It's the least I can do."

I nodded and grabbed my bag. "I gotta get going. I'll see you next week."

She waved as I walked out the door. It was quite as I made my way back to my place. When I turned the corner, I ran into a boy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. His hair covered his right eye.

He had a bruise forming on his cheek.

"Are you okay?"

He looked at me. "I'm fine kid. Go home."

I shook my head. "I'm 21. Now tell me, are you okay?"

He seemed shocked but nodded. Lier. "Okay, who did this to you?"

"No one."

I'd hate to push people but I know how abuse goes. "Was it your father or mother?"

He looked down at the floor. He seemed to enter a sort of trance-like state. I gently touched his shoulder to help snap him out of it. Thankfully, he seemed to snap out of it.

"No one. I tripped."

"If you're going to lie, make it a good one. Now which one?"

He didn't answer for a moment. He looked around like he was looking for someone. "Why does it matter?"

"Cause I can help. Now, I'm Aki Kaku." I slowly put my hand out to not startle him.

"Neito Monoma." He took it. I

'll help this kid. Welp, I guess Mosuke has room in his room. Time to adopt another one.


I don't know Monoma's parent's. They could be wonderful parents. It's just this fanfic. Others that I read mostly keeps to 1-A so I decide to add a lot more other classes. Anyway, thank you for reading. I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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