Chapter 6

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Thank you for reading and please enjoy. If you have any questions, please do ask.


Aki's POV

I peaked around the door to look at who the thieves were. There were 4 of them. 1 female, 3 males. They were obviously amateurs. They were wearing ski masks and one of the male was holding a gun wrong. He was pointing it at Hawks and the other 3 were "robbing" the store.

I quickly used my quirk. I raised my arm and clenched my hand. The gun that the guy was holding lifted out of his hands.

Chinen cheered. "It's Wilbur!"

The man that was originally holding the gun looked frightened. "Who's Wilbur?"

"He's the ghost that lives here." I snorted.

Hawks looked over and saw me. His eyes widened as well as mine.

Shit. That was not part of the plan. I shook my head to get back into focus. I turned the gun to face the group. They put their hands up. Hawks pulled out some handcuffs and Kurisu called the cops. Hawks made them sit by the door. I came out of the backroom smiling but then it dropped when I "saw" the people.

"What happened?!"

Chinen looked at me. "Where were you?"

"Bathroom. My shift doesn't start until now actually."

Akamatsu turned toward me, "It was Phil, he helped us."

"Wait. Slow down. What happened?"

They quickly repeated what happened. I felt bad for Hawks. He looked at me and I shook my head.

I would have to explain it to him. Anyway, when the cops showed up, they were surprised by the group we caught.

"You guys just caught one of the most wanted group."

That got me laughing. Everyone was looking at me.

"The guy right there", I pointed to the guy that held the gun, "had a .22 caliber pistol and he was holding it wrong."

"How would you know?"

I turned towards Kurisu.

"I saw him holding it."

"I thought you said you were in the bathroom?"

"The tapes. I am the security guard."

She nodded. The cops were slightly impressed. One of the cops was talking to Hawks. He pointed to me and then to the group. I was slightly worried.

Then all of us got a text.

It said, "Well done, go home. The rest of the day you all get off. Enjoy the day off."

We all groaned. He must be drunk again. Hawks came over once the cops left. We were all talking about going to get some pizza. Akamatsu said he couldn't cause he had to get home to the Misses.

"So what pizza place?"

I chuckled. "I know this guy that makes this amazing Pizza Gyoza. It's so good."

Chinen quickly nodded. "Let's go there."

Kurisu sighed. "I have the finals to study for. The end of term finals are coming up and unlike the rest of you, I still need to graduate."

I laughed and patted her back. "Have fun with that."

"Yeah yeah."

Hawks tilted his head. Cute. Wait no, not cute. Snap out of it.

The Weird Librarian (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now