Chapter 5

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Thank you for reading. Sorry about how I left off the last chapter. Anyway, enjoy.


Aki's POV

It pays sorta good money, but the fact they think I'm quirkless makes me get underpaid. I know what most people are thinking, why'd I tell them I was quirkless. Well simple, it means I can screw with my co-workers and no one will think it's me. Plus, I'm already thinking about putting in my two week notice.

But it's fun to see their reaction to the "ghost". Because of me, they think we have a ghost and they named it Wilbur. It's funny to watch them run around when the "ghost" acts up. And no one ever thinks it's me. For those who are confused, there are 3 of us who work the night shift. It's a big place but 3 is a little much. The other two were nice though.

The oldest was about 64. He's been working this job for about 30 years now, so the company doesn't want to let him go yet. His name was Akamatsu Jin. His quirk was super hearing but from what I know, he was in the military once he was out of high school. So, he knows how to fight. He had green eyes and blue hair. He was actually 5'7".

The other one was around my age, he was 25. He had pink eyes and green hair. His quirk was a type of acid. He wasn't very specific on what his quirk was Chinen Ikko. He was around 5'8" and liked to make fun of me for being short. I like to make fun of him for being one of the ones to not believe in soulmates and yet married his soulmate. It was quite interesting.

I slowly made my way over to the shop from across the street. It didn't close until 9 and it was only 7. Usually, we would mess around in the back and play poker or something. Today, though, I had a feeling we wouldn't be doing that today. As I crossed the street, I saw him. Why?! It was the same winged man from before.

He was just looking at me. I shuddered. What a creep. I quickened my pace just to get to the door. Why was I going so slow?! This isn't an anime! Sadly he was at the door when I got there. He looked at me and I looked at him. He just opened the door for me. I sighed and shook my head, walking in.

He looked surprised. Did he expect me to squeal and bow down or something. Not gonna happen buddy. Not from this girl. I sighed again. He was probably just being nice and nothing more and here I am. I must be very bored. It was strange though, this is my third time seeing him today.

I ignored the strange feeling in my stomach and moved towards the counter. The man with wings also came in. The person working the counter looked up.

"Hey Kaku, almost late there."

I shook my head. "I had to deal with some jackass. What did I tell you, just call me Aki. I don't like Kaku. Makes me seem like my parents."

She nodded.

She was only working a part time job here. She was in her last year of high school now thinking about it. Her name was Kurisu Aina. Her quirk was unknown. I think she was quirkless but can't be sure. She had blue hair with brown eyes. She was also taller than me but it's not that difficult to be. She was 5'6" and I'll tell you, it's funny when I can't reach something and she can.

Anyway, she looked behind me and squealed. I covered my ears.

"Kurisu! Calm yourself. What's wrong?"

She looked at me like I was crazy.

"You don't know who he is?!"

I looked at the winged man behind me and he was looking at me. He seemed to be interested.

"Let's see. He has wings and wears strange clothes. I want to say he's a hero but I don't know. It seems likely but hey, I don't care."

She sighed and hit her head. The man seemed even more surprised and started laughing.

"Ka... sorry, Aki, that's the number 3 hero Hawks."

I looked at her then to him and back to her.

"You sure?"


I looked back at the man now dubbed Hawks.

"Uh... nice job?"

With that, he burst out laughing. Kurisu jumped over the counter and started shaking my shoulders.

"What is wrong with you?!"


She stopped shaking my shoulders thankfully.

"That's the first thing you ever said to a hero right?"

I nodded. "At least that was the first time. I could've talked to one without meaning to."

"It's only your family!"

She turned towards Hawks. "I'm sorry for her. Her family doesn't stay caught up with heroes."

I nodded to that. "True. We're more focused on getting the youngest through 3rd grade. We'll have to start worrying about Mosuke and college. I don't care if he wants to be a hero or a chief. He will have a good education."

She sighed dreamily.

"He could be a model. He's so handsome."

I snickered. "And off limits. He has his soulmate and they're happy together."

"I know I know."

Hawks seemed to calm down from his laughing fit. I heard bangs in the back. I swear to any god, if he comes running out of there... And with that, Chinen came running out. He slammed into me and I would've fell if Hawks didn't grab me.

Sparks shot up my arm. Weird. Akamastsu came out looking angry.

"Where is he?"

I pointed to one of the display cases. "Try not to break anything."

Chinen tried to run but got caught.

I turned back to Hawks and Kurisu. "Anyway, I should get to work. Have fun finding whatever you came in here for. I'll be in the back."

With that, I left them. The back didn't have much. You have to open the door to a hallway and then down the hall is the security room. It had computers with the security cameras shown. That was a given. As I walked toward the back, that's when I heard the screaming in the front. A robbery?! Now?! I really hope it's them. I still have to kick their ass for the last time.


Thank you for reading. Any questions or suggestions I will take. Please be nice in the comments. If I find out you were mean, I will destroy you. This is a safe place. Only warning. And this sucks for you who don't read these. Again, thank you for reading. Have a nice day. Stay safe during this time.

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