Chapter 5

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"It was at fifteen I realized that I.. I was a murderer."

It was silent in the room, only Jin's sobbing was heard. 

"Jin. You were not a murderer. Listen to me," Eunhee started. "Your father manipulated you. You had no other choice." 

Jin nodded, but was still crying uncontrollably. Yoongi got up and hesitantly put his hand on Jin's shoulder.

"Hyung... we don't know what happened, but we won't judge you. You can trust us." The other boys nodded at his words. Some of them had tears in their eyes by watching Jin cry. Jin looked up at Yoongi.

"But... You promise you won't leave me, won't think bad of me after I explain?" Jin sounded so sad and vulnerable. Yoongi nodded without hesitation.

"We told you before hyung, we will always be here for you." Hoseok added. Jin gave a small smile and sat up a little straighter.

"As I was saying before, fifteen was the age of... um..." 

"Realization?" Eunhee supplied.

"Yeah. As Eunhee said before, my father manipulated me into doing his dirty work for him. I was forced to k-kill for him. I couldn't go against what he said or..." Jin cut off and looked away.

"Continue hyung, please. We want to help you, don't be afraid." Jimin said. Jin looked back at them and sighed, tears still streaming down his face.

"I couldn't go against him. He knew what my vulnerable points were. He knew how much my mother and my older brother, the one you guys know - Seokjung, meant to me. If I went against him, he would hurt them. I had no choice but to do his bidding. Once I turned sixteen..." Eunhee put a hand on Jin's mouth. 

The others were confused and a little angry that she interrupted Jin. Taehyung was about to ask why she did that but stopped immediately. Eunhee had started crying herself. Jin looked at her, surprised, but then a look of understanding passed his face. 

"I'll talk about that later." Jin said softly.

"A few days before I turned eighteen, I had a plan ready. I was going to run away. Once I turn eighteen, my father has no custody of me. (A/N: I don't know the exact age in Korea, so I'm using the standard US age) I had confided in this plan to only Eunhee. The day before my birthday, everything was all set. I was to escape at exactly midnight. When everyone woke up the next morning, my bed was empty."

"I finally escaped the hell-hole, but I had no idea what I was going to do. You all know how I worked at some small bakery. I found a job there, I was earning enough money to buy food, and get shelter. After a few months, I was used to my new schedule. It was after a few months that one of BigHit's agents came to me, and you know what happened after that." Jin finished.

"Hung, I... I didn't even know how hard your life was. I'm so sorry!" Jungkook hugged Jin and sobbed into his shoulder. Jin was surprised by the sudden attack, but hugged him back. The other members joined in the hug as well. Eunhee let out a few watery chuckles, a few tears in her eyes.

"Are we done with the sob story yet?" Eunhee asked, hoping to lighten the mood a little. "You do realize it's practically morning right?"

Namjoon checked his watch and did a double take. 

"She's right. It's almost 5." He pointed out. Jin blinked in surprise. (He couldn't do anything else. He was pinned to the bed by six other bodies.) He pushed the other members with swift ease.

"We have a busy schedule today. We should go get ready." Jin stood up but was immediately pulled back down. 

"What the hell do you mean you have to get ready. Do you not understand why I'm here?" Eunhee questioned, a fierce glare pointed toward Jin. The said man was trying to free himself from Jungkook and Jimin. At Eunhee's words, he stopped struggling and stared at her, the expression on his face unreadable.

"I understand why you're here, noona. That's why I'm telling them to go get ready." Jin explained while rolling his eyes. Yoongi frowned.

"What do you mean by telling us to go get ready? You do too," he pointed out. Jin looked away with a guilty expression. 

"I meant what I meant. You guys go get ready and follow the schedule. I'm going to go with Eunhee." Shouts of protests immediately came up.

"You can't go alone. Either you stay here, or we're going with you!" Hoseok stated. The other members also agreed. Jin looked around in worry. 

"I have to go, but you guys don't know how dangerous this is. It's way worse than what I just explained." 

"We don't care hyung! We're coming with you!" Taehyung screamed. Jin looked at Eunhee for backup but she just shrugged. Jin looked back at his members and sighed.

"What are we going to tell Sejin hyung?"

Hey! Sorry it's a short chapter. I'm drowning in schoolwork. All my teachers have the mindset the students are all at home. They will have lots of time. Let's give them as much work as possible! I'm DYING!! Anyway... How are you guys? I hope you are all safe! Stay inside! If you're going out, please wear a mask! Be careful!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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