Chapter 3

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It's been a week since the day that Jin broke down crying. Everyone was still a little worried, but Jin was back to normal. Mostly. When he thought no one was looking, he would always stare off into space, his eyes glassy. It was a moderately normal day when everything turned to shit. 

They were in the dance studio practicing their new choreography.

"I'm so tiiiired!!" Taehyung groaned leaning against Seokjin.

"Yah! Get off me! You're all sweaty and gross!" Jin wrinkled his nose in disgust. Taehyung just gave a boxy smile and leaned even further into Jin. Jin reluctantly stopped pushing him off and just shook his head. After dance practice they all headed back to the dorm to finally relax.


"Hyung? Whatcha doing?" Jungkook poked his head into the kitchen. Jin looked at Jungkook and smiled.

"I'm making dinner. Want to join me?" Jin asked. Jungkook eagerly nodded and closed the kitchen door behind him. After some squabbling, a fire, and an almost cracked skull, dinner was done.

"DINNER'S READY!! IF YOU WANT IT COME GET IT!!." Jungkook yelled at the top of his voice, making Jin wince.

"Did your elementary school teachers ever teach you about inside voice and outside voice?" Jin grumbled as he set the table. Jungkook just shrugged and sat himself down. Everyone else started filing into the room and sat down.

"I want all of you guys to go to sleep early tonight." Jin said after a while. Everyone looked confused. 

"Why hyung?" Jimin asked. 

"I just have a weird feeling something is gonna happen tonight." Jin looked up from his plate. "I know I'm probably worrying about nothing, but I just want to make sure you're all safe."

"Don't worry hyung. Nothing will happen." Hoseok reassured him.

"We have really good security also." Namjoon added.

*Are they good enough though? I really hope it's enough. This feeling though. My gut feelings always mean something but... It's probably nothing.* Jin thought.

Jin nodded and looked back down on his plate, missing the questioning looks his members were sending him.


After dinner, each member separated into their rooms, going to try and fall asleep. Jin, who didn't sleep at all the previous night, fell asleep almost immediately. The rest of the members, who were pretending to sleep, huddled into the living room as soon as Jin was sleeping.

"I feel bad for meeting up without Jin-hyung." Jungkook whined.

"We're here to discuss him. I'd rather do it without him, thank you very much." Yoongi growled. The others immediately shut up.

"Jin-hyung has been acting off these past few weeks. Ever since that concert, he's been having constant nightmares every night." Yoongi started. "He seems less enthusiastic these days. I'm getting really worried about him. Do you guys know what's going on?" 

Everyone shook their heads. 

"Also the night of the concert. Jin-hyung and I were talking. He said the reason he was crying was beca-" Yoongi cut off his words.

"Why'd you stop hyung?" Taehyung asked. 

"Do you hear that?" Yoongi got up. "There's something going on outside." 

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