goodbye wattpad

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This is an official goodbye to wattpad!

It's been more than a year since I've updated or even thought about continuing on wattpad. I know a lot of other authors have sort of abandoned the app as well as a lot of readers. I only check my notifications every few weeks so I don't even know what the community is like here anymore sadly.

I wish I would've utilized my time here better but I was an inexperienced highschooler who didn't really know what to with such a big audience. I am still extremely grateful for it! It's probably one of main reasons I even got into college.

I'm not deleting the app or my account but I won't be continuing any of these stories on my page. They'll still be here for re-reads.

Just wanted to say, if you're still here, that I've moved to tumblr! I've started writing again after a whole year and I enjoy the tumblr platform of writing very much. I don't think I was ever really good at writing full stories (as you can tell by all my unfinished stories) and the one-shot and short series type of stories are good for me.

Still writing fanfiction, smut and overall dark content but a lot of it is mcu/marvel based! It's gonna be smut-filled quarantine/summer and I'd love it if you joined me!

You can follow me on tumblr @harryspet !! If not, thanks for being a part of my wattpad journey.

Love all my readers

- Rae <3

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