The day he died.

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Timothy Wright, 5 years old, a happy child with a great family, a caring mother and a nice dad, it at least seemed like it. If there wouldn't be that 'game'. Ha, it wasn't fun at all, the first few times he couldn't do anything it was just rubbing the poor boys thigh to a lewd place or just longer head kisses but that was changing soon enough but to that we'll come later.

For now it was just a happy family, Tim was just outside playing with sticks and having fun, he'd trip a lot and just laugh it off as his mother watched him happily. Mrs. Wright was a great person, hard working and would do everything to keep her family happy in every way. She would give up her belongings and valuables. She would die for her family.
Tim was happy, a good child, following rules and just being the happy little boy his mother loved so endlessly much, he was carefree, he didn't worry about tomorrow or what will happen in the future.

But all the good has to come to an end, well at least as bad as it can get for a 5 year old kiddo. Tim tripped and fell into his face as he ripped open his jeans and getting himself to bleed. Oh boy, he surely cried because if that, I mean, he was still a small boy.

Mrs. Wright shot up and directly kneeled next to Tim, pulling the poor little crying boy onto her lap while she was just trying to calm him down with gentle head strokes. ”Shh.. It's okay, it's just a scratch“  her voice sounded soft and gentle, slightly protective and giving out some safety. She was a great mother, she would die for her first and last son, she wasn't always at home, but that didn't matter to the small little boy, he was just glad to have such a wonderful and caring family.

After a few minutes just spent sitting around with his mother, Tim finally felt well enough to stand up and go playing around in their garden again, he was such a happy boy, with no worries and getting to learn how the world works. He was a fighter and that will show soon enough.

His mother just went back to her spot as she started to talk with a friend of hers over the phone, like every parent, she still watched and kept an eye on her little son. He soon enough Would get bored and walked up to Mrs. Wright and told her that he'd go inside, playing a little in his room, she surely said yes, knowing if something would happen Mr. Wright would be there.

Tim wasn't really fond of his Dad, he was, weird could you say, although Tim hasn't lost any respect, he just saw it as a weird way to show that his Dad cares about him in a weird way. To his luck Tim stumbled into him with a smile and oh boy, he'll soon regret going inside.

His dad carefully picked up the young boy and patted his head with this Disgusting smile, it was completely unsettling, even to the boy who didn't quite understand what was going on had shivers sent down his spine, he wasn't in the slightest comfortable with this situation, but Tim was a weak little boy, not even close to be able to compare with a full grown adult. He knew that if he wanted to get away from there, he had to say something but he had a ball like Feeling in his throat, he couldn't say a word.

meanwhile Tim was deep in his thoughts his dad carried him into a room, Tim's bedroom to be exact and well, I won't go deep into detail here, but his father figure, the person he should be able to trust used that innocent and loving boy as a fuck toy, that was the day Timothy died, not physically but mentally. His body ached with each movement and he cried, a lot at this day. The happy, innocent little boy now had to pretend like everything was okay, that Nothing happened. The words of his father were clear 'That's just a game between us, don't tell anyone'. Being the good boy Tim was stayed silent.

Ha you thought that was a one time thing? Well, let me disappointed you, that happened a bunch of times more, everytime breaking the little boy more, this was going on about 11 months until Tim decided to do something against it. Mr. Wright just wrapped his hand around the now 6 year old boy as Timothy bit down at the older guys hand and ran, not looking back, tears running down the little boys cheeks as he hid behind his mother and started to tell her all about what happened.

This day, he heard his mother scream louder at his father figure than ever, surely she ended up calling the police on her own husband. Now the world seemed fixed, Tim was safe in his mother's arms and could finally relax but that didn't repair his mental scars he had through these events.

Luckily he didn't have to say a word for now, because Mrs. Wright was deciding that these two should head to bed, I mean it was quite late already and Tim was only a little boy, usually he would've to sleep alone but his mother carried him into her bedroom and placed little Tim onto the bed, wrapping him up in the blanket before laying down next to him, holding the little one close and whispering an 'I love you' as Tim fell asleep. He needed his mother more than anything now, if she'd go, he would break, she was the only safe spot he had left in life, she was his light at the end of the dark tunnel he had to go through, she had to protect him at all costs.

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