Chapter One

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    Standing alone near a strange tavern in the middle of London, Madelyn Amourette clutches onto her bag and suitcase with an obvious state of confusion plastered to her face. She tucked strands of her blonde sandy hair behind your ears as she concentrated on the endless streets that looked all the same to her.

She looked simply terrified, her small frail body shivering against the wind. Her eyebrows furrowed as she read the tavern sign once again, it saying "The Leaky Cauldron". A piece of paper attempted to blow out of her tiny hands as she tried to make an understanding of how to find Diagon Alley.

When Hagrid saw the small girl, his eyes twinkled in a knowing way.

"Yer don't happen to be lookin' for a Diagon Alley?" the tall, bushy man asked.

Maddie looked up in amazement, her blue eyes wondering how this strange, astonishing tall man could know such things.

"Well, actually yes..," she muttered.

"Ah er course," he chuckled, not noticing the young girls obvious weary state.

"Where is yer parents?" Hagrid asked, which caused Maddie to chew the inside of her parents.

"Back in America, actually."

"Woah, a transfer? Quite a special bunch," he chuckled while leading her down an alley. Maddie's heart began to pump faster and she fastened her clutch on a pocket knife that she had originally hid in her sock.

"Em Hagrid, you are?"

"Maddie. Maddie Amourette," she coughed out.

"And yer parents just left you here?"

"Mom did, couldn't afford tickets for herself," Maddie mumbled, starting to feel embarrassed.

Hagrid debated asking more but instead finally took up on her obvious uneasy state. He stopped right at a brick wall, and pointed a pink umbrella right at it, before it opened up unveiling a whole world.

Maddie's big eyes stared in amazement which caused Hagrid to chuckle in a nearly sad way.

"Something the matter sir?" Maddie asked.

"Just, not too long ago was I helping a young boy who shared the same wonder in their eyes, seeing this place and all."

Hagrid looked at her again, smiling sadly. Then he clasped his hands together, "Ight, lets get along now, get yer stuff before the train goes!"

Hagrid took her around to many stores, though first to Gringotts here Maddie found she had an account from what was suppose to be her father, though she didn't know him. According to Hagrid it was quite a decent amount too.

After receiving her wand and other necessities, Hagrid let her know that he had to get going, but he told her to find basically any red head with the name Weasley or a Potter and they'd be more than eager to help her.

Maddie walked through the streets pushing a cart along with her, a small Northern Saw Whet Owl hoots contently in a cage.

Her big blue eyes fall upon a brightly colored store that reads out "Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes". She watches in amazement. The store caught her attention but she had not even the smallest desire to ask someone for help, she already felt like she burdened Hagrid.

She felt as if she stuck out like a sore thumb, wearing a large sweatshirt that read out her home town and leggings. It was quite a normal American outfit, unlike most of the kids she had seen who were clothed in nice looking robes like the ones she had just bought.

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